Lot and yard dimensions, permitted uses, conditional uses, special exceptions, maximum height of structures and maximum lot coverage are specified for each district in Tables 1266.04(A) and 1266.04(B). Any use not expressly listed for a district is prohibited in that district. Conditional uses require approval of the Ellwood City Borough Council, after recommendation by the Planning Commission, whereas permitted uses require only normal application procedure. Special exceptions require the approval of the Zoning Hearing Board, which may provide for such additional reasonable conditions as it deems necessary. Uses which are normally accessory to the declared permitted uses are also permitted.
TABLE 1266.04(A)
R-1 Low-Density Residential District (A - Residential District)
R-1 Low-Density Residential District (A - Residential District)
Permitted Uses 
Special Exceptions
1.   Single-family detached dwellings
1.   Public and parochial schools
2.   Public parks/playgrounds
2.   Radio and television sending or boosting stations
3.   Libraries
3.   Fire stations
4.   Essential services
4.   Churches and other places of worship
5.   Communications antennas mounted on existing public utility transmission towers, buildings or other structures, and communications equipment buildings
5.   Two-family dwellings
6.   Home occupations
Conditional Uses
1. Clinics for humans
2. Nursing homes
3. Accessory uses.
R-2 High-Density Residential District (B - Residential District)
R-2 High-Density Residential District (B - Residential District)
Permitted Uses 
Special Exceptions
1.   Single-family detached dwellings
1.   Funeral homes
2.   Two-family dwellings
2.   Off-street parking lots
3.   Public parks/playgrounds
3.   Tourist homes
4.   Libraries
4.   Home occupations
5.   Essential services
5.   Individual mobile homes
6.   Public/parochial schools
6.   Multi-family dwellings
7.   Communications antennas mounted on existing public utility transmission towers, buildings or other structures, and communications equipment buildings
7.   Group care facility (youth/adult)
8.   Group home
Conditional Uses
1. Accessory uses
2. Churches and other places of worship
3. Communications towers and communications equipment buildings
C-1 Local Business District
C-1 Local Business District
Permitted Uses 
Conditional Uses
1.   Banks and business offices
1.   Corporate Offices
2.   Eating and drinking places
2.   Drive-in businesses
3.   Personal services
3.   Gasoline service stations
4.   Professional services
4.   Multifamily dwellings
5.   Public/semi-public uses
5.   Off-street parking lots
6.   Retail businesses
6.   Research/testing labs
7.   Theaters
7.   Animal clinics
8.   Communications antennas mounted on existing public utility transmission towers, buildings or other structures, and communications equipment buildings
8.   Hospitals and clinics for humans
9.   Accessory uses
C-2 General Business District
C-2 General Business District
Permitted Uses 
Conditional Uses
1.   Automobile sales, new and used, service and repair
1.   Drive-in businesses
2.   Banks and business offices
2.   Gasoline service stations
3.   Business services
3.   Light manufacturing
4.   Commercial recreation
4.   Multifamily dwellings
5.   Corporate offices
5.   Off-street parking lots
6.   Eating and drinking places
6.   Research/testing labs
7.   Hotels and motels
7.   Animal clinics
8.   Personal services
8.   Accessory uses
9.   Printing and engraving
9.   Communications towers and communications equipment buildings.
10.   Private clubs
11.   Professional services
12.   Public/semi-public uses
13.   Theaters
14.   Retail businesses
15.   Accessory uses
16.   Essential services
17.   Public utility buildings
18.   Communications antennas mounted on existing public utility transmission towers, buildings or other structures, and communications equipment buildings
C-3 Downtown Commercial District
      (1)   Purpose Statement: C-3 Downtown Commercial District. In context of the provisions permissible by Article VII-A Traditional Neighborhood Development of the PA Municipalities Planning Code, the following land uses and development scales are specified to continue the established character of the Borough's Downtown neighborhoods. This Zoning District is from the east curb of Fourth Street to the west curb of Eighth Street and from the south curb of Bell Avenue to the north curb of Beaver Avenue.
      (2)   Pedestrian Dominant Uses. Said uses shall be 2,500 sq. ft. or less total gross floor area (GFA) situated on the ground floor of a building or structure and, whereas, a minimum of 60% of the GFA shall be used for the public display of merchandise or goods or used for public dining or the delivery of services. See also division (5); said uses shall include the following:
         A.   Sandwich Shop
         B.   Coffee Shop/Café
         C.   Sit Down Restaurant
         D.   Bar/Tavern/Public House/Pub
         E.   Micro-Brewery
         F.   Multi-purpose Workshop/Studio
         G.   Gallery
         H.   Studio
         I.   Copy Shop
         J.   Antique Shop
         K.   Retail Business (such as an antique shop, card/gift shop, shoe/clothing/hat store, phone/electronics store, jeweler, florist, etc.)
         L.   Consignment/Secondhand Store
         M.   Material Personal Service (such as salon, barber/hairdresser, tattoo, nails, travel, etc.)
         N.   Civic-Oriented Use
         O.   Green Grocer (Conditional)
         P.   Hardware/Variety/Department Store (Conditional)
         Q.   Commercial Recreation
         R.   Bookstore
         S.   Bakery
         T.   Compatible uses not otherwise listed which meet the above dimensional criteria (Conditional)
         U.   Wine Bar/ Winetasting Room
         V.   “Pop-Up” Retail Store
         W.   Fitness/Health Club
         X.   Medical Practice, Small-Scale
         Y.   Professional Office
         Z.   Financial Services (accounting, tax, bail bonds, etc.)
      (3)   Pedestrian Supportive Uses. Said use may be any size GFA and can be located on any floor of the building or structure except the ground floor. Said uses shall include the following:
         A.   Multi-Family Dwelling
         B.   Compatible uses not otherwise listed which meet the general character or function of the above uses.
      (4)   Automobile Dominant Land Uses. Said uses can be any size GFA and can be located on any floor of a building or structure. Said uses shall include the following:
         A.   Auto Essential Services
         B.   Automobile Dealership
         C.   Convenience Store
         D.   Fast Food Restaurant (with/without Drive-Through)
         E.   Pharmacy (with/without Drive-Through)
         F.   Bank (with/without Drive-Through)
         G.   Financial Establishments (with/without Drive-Through)
         H.   Check Cashing Facility
         I.   Appliance Store
         J.   Grocery Store
         K.   Retail Business
         L.   Medical Practice, Small-Scale
         M.   Medical Practice/Clinic, Large-Scale
         N.   Professional Office
         O.   Financial Service
         P.   Hardware/Variety/Department Store
         Q.   Funeral Home
         R.   Social Services
         S.   Flex Space
         T.   Print Shop
         U.   Wine and Spirits Shop
         V.   Compatible uses not otherwise listed which meet the general character or function of the above uses.
      (5)   Downtown District Design and Performance Standards. The following design and performance standards apply to all districts:
         A.   Building Access Orientation.
            1.   The front of every building intended or used for human occupancy (including, but not limited to, commercial, personal service, professional service and any and all governmental uses) shall face Lawrence Ave.
            2.   To avoid an inharmonious or undesirable orientation of building fronts, the front of each main building shall face Lawrence Ave. On a corner lot, the front facade of the main building shall be oriented so as to be most compatible with adjacent buildings and uses.
            3.   For the purpose of this part, the front facade of the building shall be considered that wall which faces the greatest street right-of-way width and which carries the highest volume of traffic in a 24-hour period.
            4.   If a pedestrian dominant business is facing Lawrence Avenue another pedestrian dominant allowed business will be allowed to face Bell Avenue or Beaver Avenue and shall meet all the criteria of a building facing Lawrence Avenue.
         B.   Exterior Amenities. The following criteria shall apply to all commercial uses in the C-3: CC, C-3: GW, C-3: GN, and C-3: IP districts.
            1.   Exterior merchandise display. An occupant of a building may display merchandise on the exterior of its business location subject to the following conditions:
               a.   An application for such display has been submitted and approved as required herein.
               b.   Retail merchandise may not be displayed on the exterior of a business location for more than 14 days during any calendar year. Restaurants or food service tables/chairs are not considered as part of the 14-day restriction.
            2.   Authorization for exterior merchandising shall be subject to any and all regulations and restrictions as may be imposed from time-to-time by Borough Council.
            3.   Exterior merchandising is only permitted during the hours of operation of the subject business.
            4.   A minimum of 20% of the square footage of the front face of the building shall be two-way glass to permit a view of goods and services offered. The square footage of transparency is a minimum for two-way glass is 20% but per division C.5.a. below the total square footage of transparency shall be 40%.
         C.   Building Infill/Redevelopment Standards.
            1.   Recommended Materials. The following materials are encouraged, though not exclusively restricted, to be used on any building facade visible from a public right-of-way:
               a.   Natural Stone
               b.   Brick
               c.   Milled Natural Wood Siding
               d.   Non-Reflective Glass (as a secondary material)
            2.   Prohibited Materials. The following materials are prohibited from use on any building facade visible from a public right-of-way:
               a.   Particle board, plywood, and plastic sheathing
               b.   Asphalt and fiberglass shingles as siding
               c.   Mirrored glass; that is glass coated in such a way that it prevents view to the building’s interior
               d.   Industrial metal panels
               e.   Exterior finish insulation systems (EFIS)
               f.   Simulated brick
            3.   Additional Materials. The following materials may be used on the non-ground floor of the building facade to the extent of their corresponding percentages (the percentages reflect total percentage of non-ground floor building facade square footage or surface area):
               a.   Vinyl and aluminum siding: 20%
               b.   Concrete masonry units, including prefinished surfaces (allowed on first floor front facades): 15%
               c.   Exposed aggregate pre-cast concrete block (allowed on first floor front facades): 10%
               d.   For determining square footage of front for percentage of transparency, the height of the front for any first floor is to be 15 feet high from the top of the first floor. This is not a building height restriction, just the guideline for determining the percentage of transparency area required.
            4.   Building Materials as Public Hazards. No reflective materials shall be used as roofing that causes distractions and/or visual interferences to drivers.
            5.   Transparency.
               a.   All ground floor facades shall have a minimum transparency of 40% of the gross square footage of the ground floor facade. For determining square footage of front for percentage of transparency, the height of the front for any first floor is to be 15 feet high from the top of the first floor. This is not a building height restriction, just the guideline for determining the percentage of transparency area required.
               b.   On each facade above the ground floor, each story shall have a transparency of at least 25% of the gross square footage of the facade of that story.
               c.   If the degree of transparency is not appropriate or applicable to the nature of the proposed land uses, then the Borough Council may grant a modification to the required transparency.
      (6)   C-3: CC - Core Commercial Overlay.
         A.   Purpose Statement. To preserve the historic character, building scale and building patterns of a traditional downtown by principally accommodating retail uses, services and ancillary activities that are pedestrian dominant and support the pedestrian-orientation of Lawrence Avenue as well as the vitality and attractiveness of a walkable public realm.
         B.   Permitted Uses.
            1.   Pedestrian dominant uses equal to or less than the defined requirements enumerated in division (5)A. above.
            2.   Residential uses on the second floor or above (not the ground floor).
         C.   Conditional Uses.
            1.   Pedestrian dominant uses exceeding the defined maximum requirements enumerated in division (5)A. above.
            2.   Banks and Financial Services
            3.   Cultural and Recreational Services
            4.   Theaters
            5.   Commercial Recreation
            6.   Off-street Parking
            7.   Hotel/Motel
         D.   Accessory Uses. Those uses customarily incidental to principal permitted uses.
         E.   Dimensional Standards.
            1.   Minimum Lot Area: Nonresidential - 3,000 square feet.
            2.   Minimum Lot Width:
               a.   Nonresidential - 25 feet. (The desired width, when possible or practical, is 25 feet wide minimum, but if the lots are in the existing Pittsburgh Plan of Lots at 22 feet wide, the minimum lot width is then 22 feet.)
               b.   Residential - 30 feet.
            3.   Minimum Yard Widths (Setbacks):
               a.   Front yard - 0 feet.
               b.   Side yard - 0 feet.
               c.   Rear yard - 0 feet.
            4.   Maximum Yard Widths (Setbacks): Front yard - 10 feet.
            5.   Maximum Lot Coverage -100%.
            6.   Maximum Building Height - 50 feet.
      (7)   C-3: GW - Gateway West Commercial Overlay.
         A.   Purpose Statement. To provide for a mix of retail uses and services that are largely automobile dominant and require larger scale lots and buildings than found in the Core Commercial District.
         B.   Permitted Uses.
            1.   Automobile Dominant Land Uses
            2.   Hotel/Motel
         C.   Conditional Uses.
            1.   Flex-Space
            2.   Medical Practice/Clinic, Large Scale
            3.   Multi-Family Dwellings
            4.   Off-street Parking
            5.   Social Services
            6.   Transportation Services
            7.   Veterinary Clinics
         D.   Accessory Uses.
            1.   Drive-throughs
            2.   Those uses customarily incidental to principal permitted uses
         E.   Dimensional Standards.
            1.   Minimum Lot Area: Nonresidential - 4,000 square feet
            2.   Minimum Lot Width:
               a.   Nonresidential - 30 feet
               b.   Residential - 40 feet
            3.   Minimum Yard Widths (Setbacks):
               a.   Front yard - 0 feet
               b.   Side yard - 10 feet
               c.   Rear yard - 20 feet
            4.   Maximum Yard Widths (Setbacks): Front yard - 20 feet
            5.   Maximum Lot Coverage - 90%
            6.   Maximum Building Height - 50 feet.
      (8)   C-3: GN - Gateway North Commercial Overlay.
         A.   Purpose Statement. To accommodate a mix of pedestrian and automobile dominant uses and activities as well as lot and building scales that complement the uses and activities found in the other downtown commercial districts.
         B.   Permitted Uses.
            1.   Pedestrian Supportive Use
            2.   Multi-Family Dwelling - Apartments
            3.   Multi-Family Dwelling - Townhouse
            4.   Hotel/Motel
         C.   Conditional Uses.
            1.   Multi-Family Dwelling - Duplexes
            2.   Single Family Dwellings
            3.   Off-street Parking Lots
            4.   Automobile Dominant Land Uses
         D.   Accessory Uses.
            1.   Drive-Throughs
            2.   Those uses customarily incidental to principal permitted uses.
         E.   Dimensional Standards.
            1.   Minimum Lot Area:
               a.   Nonresidential - 3,000 square feet.
               b.   Residential or service - 5,000 square feet.
            2.   Minimum Lot Width:
               a.   Nonresidential - 30 feet.
               b.   Residential - 40 feet.
            3.   Minimum Yard Widths (Setbacks):
               a.   Front yard - 10 feet.
               b.   Side yard - 10 feet.
               c.   Rear yard - 20 feet.
            4.   Maximum Yard Widths (Setbacks):
               a.   Front yard - On 5th Street: 20 ft.
               b.   Front yard everywhere else: 5 ft.
            5.   Maximum Lot Coverage - 80%.
            6.   Maximum Building Height - 50 feet.
      (9)   C-3: IP - Institutional and Professional Overlay.
         A.   Purpose Statement. To provide for residential, institutional, office and medical uses while respecting the area’s existing building scale and character.
         B.   Permitted Uses.
            1.   School
            2.   Bed and Breakfast
            3.   Place of Worship/Place of Assembly
            4.   Professional Office
            5.   Medical Practice, Small-Scale
            6.   Single-Family Dwellings
         C.   Conditional Uses.
            1.   Multi-Family Dwellings
            2.   Off-street Parking
            3.   Hospital
         D.   Accessory Uses. Those uses customarily incidental to principal permitted uses.
         E.   Dimensional Standards.
            1.   Minimum Lot Area:
               a.   Nonresidential - 3,000 square feet
               b.   Residential or service - 5,000 square feet
            2.   Minimum Lot Width:
               a.   Non-residential - 30 feet
               b.   Residential - 40 feet
            3.   Minimum Yard Widths (Setbacks):
               a.   Front yard - 10 feet
               b.   Side yard - 10 feet
               c.   Rear yard - 20 feet
            4.   Maximum Yard Widths (Setbacks): Front yard - 20 feet.
            5.   Maximum Lot Coverage - 85%.
            6.   Maximum Building Height - 40 feet.
HM-1 Hospital/Medical District
Permitted Uses
Special Exceptions
1.   Health services
1.   Schools
2.   Hospital
3.   Medical practice/clinic, large-scale
4.   Medical practice, small-scale
5.   Pharmacy
I - Industrial District
I - Industrial District
Permitted Uses 
Conditional Uses
1.   Contractors yards
1.   Off-street parking lots
2.   Corporate offices
2.   Heavy manufacturing
3.   Light manufacturing
3.   Uses similar to permitted uses, but not specified, which uses are not objectionable to immediate neighbors because of noise, vibration or emission of noxious gases, fumes or dust
4.   Service garage
4.   Accessory uses
5.   Supply yards
5.   Gasoline service stations
6.   Truck terminals
6.   Scrap yards
7.   Warehousing
7.   Uses permitted in the C-2 District
8.   Wholesaling
9.   Essential services
10.   Communications antennas mounted on existing public utility transmission towers, buildings or other structures, and communications equipment buildings
Special Exceptions
1.   Communications towers, subject to the requirements set forth in Section 1272.13, and communications equipment buildings
2.   For all provisions and regulations related to Adult Businesses, please refer to Chapter 806.
R - 1 Low Density Residential District (A - Residential District)
Minimum lot area
5,000 sq. ft.
Maximum lot coverage
Minimum side yards
Lots having a width of 50 ft. or more:
A total of 15 ft. with a minimum of 5 ft. on one side
Lots having a width of less than 50 ft.:
A total of 12 ft. with a minimum of 5 ft. on one side
Lots having a width of less than 45 ft:
A total of 10 ft. with a minimum of 5 ft. on one side
R - 2 High Density Residential District (B - Residential District)
R - 2 High Density Residential District (B - Residential District)
Minimum lot area
4,000 sq. ft.
Maximum lot coverage
Minimum side yards
Lots having a width of 50 ft. or more:
A total of 15 ft. with a minimum of 5 ft. on one side
Lots having a width of 45 ft. but more than 40 ft.:
A total of 12 ft. with a minimum of 5 ft. on one side
Lots having a width of 40 ft. but more than 35 ft.:
A total of 10 ft. with a minimum of 5 ft. on one side
Lots having a width of 35 ft. but more than 30 ft.:
A total of 7 ft. with a minimum of 4 ft. on one side
TABLE 1266.04(B)
Minimum Lot Area Per Family (sq. ft.)
Minimum Lot Size for Non- Residential (sq. ft.)
7,000(a, b)
Maximum Lot Coverage
Minimum Lot Width (H)
Minimum Depth of Front Yard (ft.)
Minimum Depth of Rear Yard (ft.)
Minimum Total Width of Side Yards (ft.)
Minimum Width of Side Yard (ft.)
Maximum Height of Structure (ft.) (d), (f)
Minimum Number of Stories
(a)   Use of lot of record. See Section 1272.01.
(b)   For multifamily dwelling in B-Residential Districts, the minimum requirements shall be 6,000 square feet for three families, and an additional 1,000 square feet per family for four to eight families, inclusive, and an additional 500 square feet per family for nine to twenty-five families, inclusive, and an additional 350 square feet per family in excess of twenty-five.
(c)   Front yards adjacent to existing building. See Section 1272.02(e).
(d)   See also Section 1272.05.
(e)   Side and rear yards adjacent to Residential Districts. See Section 1272.02(d).
(f)   These height limitations shall not apply to any communications antennas or communications towers.
Downtown Commercial District Overlay Dimensional Table
C-3: CC
C-3: GWC
C3: IP
C-3: CC
C-3: GWC
C3: IP
Minimum Lot Area Per Family (sq. ft.)
Minimum Lot Size Per Non- Residential (sq. ft.)
Maximum Lot Coverage
Minimum Lot Width (ft.)
Non- residential: 30
Residential: 40
Non- residential: 30
Residential: 40
Non- residential: 30
Residential: 40
Minimum Depth of Front Yard (ft.)
Maximum Depth of Front Yard (ft.)
On 5th Street: 20
Everywhere else: 10
Minimum Depth of Rear Yard (ft.)
Minimum Total Width of Side Yards (ft.)
Minimum Width of Side Yard (ft.)
Maximum Height of Structure (ft.)
Minimum Number of Stories
TABLE 1266.04 (C)
Regulations Governing Communications Antennas and Communications Equipment Buildings
(1)   Building-mounted communications antennas shall not be located on any single family, two-family, three-family or four-family dwelling.
(2)   Building-mounted communications antennas shall be permitted to exceed the height limitations of the applicable zoning district by not more than twenty feet.
(3)   Omnidirectional or whip communications antennas shall not exceed twenty feet in height and seven inches in diameter.
(4)   Directional or panel communications antennas shall not exceed five feet in height and three feet in width.
(5)   Any applicant proposing communications antennas to be mounted on a building or other structure shall submit evidence from a state-registered professional engineer certifying that the proposed installation will not exceed the structural capacity of the building or other structure, considering wind and other loads associated with the antenna location.
(6)   Any applicant proposing communications antennas to be mounted on a building or other structures shall submit detailed construction and elevation drawings indicating how the antennas will be mounted on the structure for review by the Enforcement Officer for compliance with the Borough's Building Code and other applicable law, with a fee sufficient to cover such review.
(7)   Any applicant proposing communications antennas to be mounted on a building or other structure shall submit evidence of agreements and/or easements necessary to provide access to the building or other structure on which the antennas are to be mounted so that installation and maintenance of the antennas and communications equipment building can be accomplished.
(8)   Communications antennas shall comply with all applicable standards established by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) governing human exposure to electromagnetic radiation.
(9)   Communications antennas shall not cause radio frequency interference with other communications facilities located in the Borough.
(10)   A communications equipment building shall be subject to the height and setback requirements of the applicable zoning district for any accessory structure.
(11)   The owner or operator of communications antennas shall be licensed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to operate such antennas.
(Ord. 2210. Passed 4-21-97; Ord. 2234. Passed 7-13-98; Ord. 2260. Passed 3-21-00; Ord. 2344. Passed 2-16-04; Ord. 2354. Passed 7-19-04; Ord. 2523. Passed 8-15-16; Ord. 2547. Passed 6-18-18; Ord. 2563. Passed 5-20-19.)