   (a)   Minimum Area of Tract or Park; Location. The minimum area of the tract or park shall be five acres. The site shall be so located that soil conditions, ground water level, drainage and topography shall not create hazards to the property, health or safety of the occupants or adjacent property owners.
   (b)   Length of Placement. Parks shall be designed to serve the long-term placement of mobile homes.
   (c)   Individual Lots. The planning and location of individual lots shall be guided by the following requirements:
      (1)   Access. Each lot shall be directly accessible from the approved internal street without the necessity of crossing any other space.
      (2)   Size. Each mobile home lot shall have a minimum width of sixty feet and a minimum area of 7,500 square feet.
      (3)   Yard requirements.
         A.   Mobile homes shall be parked on each lot so that there will be a minimum of fifteen feet between the mobile home, appurtenant structures and any adjacent side or rear lot line.
         B.   There shall be a minimum of twenty feet between an individual mobile home, attached structure and accessory structure, and the pavement of a park street or common parking area.
         C.   The setback from the right of way or any public street or highway shall be thirty-five feet.
          D.   Mobile homes shall be located a minimum of twenty feet from any common building or structure.
         E.   Secondary entranceways may utilize stoops, landings, patios or awnings, which may extend a width of five feet within the fifteen- foot yard requirements.
      (4)   Identification. Each lot shall have a number placed on the lot in the form of a sign or directly on the mobile home. It shall be arranged in such a way so that it is visible from the road on which the mobile home or lot is fronting.
      (5)   Skirting. The plans shall specify that skirting shall be provided on all mobile homes.
       (6)   Drainage. Drainage plans shall be submitted with the preliminary plan.
   (d)   Mobile Home Stands.
      (1)   The location of each mobile home stand shall be at such elevation, distance and angle in relation to the access street so that the removal of the mobile home is practical.
      (2)   The size of each mobile home stand shall be suitable for the general market to be served by the individual park and sufficient to fit the dimensions of mobile homes anticipated and to handle any appurtenant structures and appendages, including prefabricated “Florida rooms”, car ports and storage structures.
      (3)   A one percent to five percent gradient longitudinal crown or cross gradient for surface drainage shall be provided.
      (4)   Mobile home stands shall be either concrete pads or piers. The piers shall be set at least thirty-six inches deep.
       (5)   Each mobile home stand shall provide adequate tie downs, able to withstand a wind pressure of fifteen pounds per square foot on an exposed vertical surface. Both “over-the-top” and frame tie-downs shall be required. The strapping for any “over-the- top” tie-downs shall have a tensile strength of 4,700 pounds.
   (e)   Internal Street System. The internal street system in privately owned mobile home parks shall be privately owned, constructed and maintained in accordance with Borough standards and as approved by the Borough Engineer.
   (f)   Street Width at Access Points. At points where general traffic enters or leaves the park, streets shall be thirty-five feet in width within twenty feet of the existing public street to permit free movement from or to the stream of traffic on the public street, and no parking shall be permitted which in any way interferes with such free movement.
   (g)   Parking Spaces. Car parking spaces, at a minimum size of ten by twenty feet, shall be provided in sufficient number to meet the needs of the occupants of the property and their guests, without interference with normal movement of traffic. Such facilities shall be provided at the rate of at least two parking spaces for each mobile home lot, located in adjacent parking bays. Required car parking spaces shall be located for convenient access to the mobile home stands.
   (h)   Recreation. Recreational facilities shall be provided as follows:
      (1)   Location. Recreational facilities generally should be provided in a central location and should be convenient to the project community center. A location adjacent to the community center is preferable for efficient construction, use and maintenance of all facilities.
      (2)   Recreation area.
         A.   Size. Not less than eight percent of the gross area shall be devoted to recreational facilities.
         B.   Design. The area shall be designed appropriately for its intended use and location.
         C.   Equipment.
            1.   Design. Appropriate for intended use and location.
            2.   Construction. Durable to withstand weather and use; firmly fixed in place where possible.
         D.   Responsibility and maintenance. The recreational facilities shall be the responsibility and remain under the ownership of the mobile home park and shall be maintained to be usable by the occupants of the mobile home park.
   (i)   Fire Prevention.
      (1)   For the safety and welfare of the residents and future residents of the mobile home park, the following fire regulations shall be incorporated into the park. All fire safety plans shall be approved by the local designated Fire Chief of the Borough.
      (2)   Fire hydrants shall hereafter be required on any new mobile home park, where the extension of central water lines, whether public or private, are proposed for the mobile home park development.
          A.   Size. Hydrants size and type of all hydrants installed shall be of a standard size and type as specified by the Borough.
         B.   Spacing. Hydrant spacing shall be adequate to serve all lots within the mobile home park. Hydrants shall be arranged not more than one 1,000 feet apart from one another. Where an existing hydrant is less than one 1,000 feet from the park, the existing hydrant shall be deemed satisfactory and spacing can be determined and shown, taking the existing hydrant into consideration.   
         C.   Location. Hydrants shall be located within dedicated easements.
         D.   Design. The proposed locations of fire hydrants shall be shown on the submitted plans. Any existing fire hydrants less than 1,000 feet from the proposed park shall be shown in the vicinity sketch with an exact distance in feet from the hydrant to the nearest lot line of the mobile home park.
      (3)   In areas where there are no central water line extensions proposed, the following standards for fire safety shall be incorporated into the park. The developer retains the option of installing either the tank or pond system.
         A.   The tank system. The tank system shall consist of an approved underground, static water tank of not less than three 3,000 gallons, suitably arranged for Fire Department drafting at a spacing of 500 feet. In addition:
            1.   The tank shall be designed to permit a discharge of no less than 500 gallons per minute.
            2.   Each tank shall have two combination vent pipe and dump valve openings above ground. The openings shall be twenty- four inch square, covered by either a removable-type lid or a hinged type lid.
            3.   Each tank shall have an approved outlet above ground, no less than four and one-half inches in diameter. This outlet shall be encased in a hydrant for drafting, with at least two, two and one-half inch outlets.
          B.   The pond system. The pond system shall consist of a water pond located in such a way as to serve all of the park lot. The pond shall be utilized by a “dry hydrant”-type of outlet. The volume of water within the pond shall be sufficient, as determined by the Fire Chief of the Borough, to adequately serve all Park lots.
   (j)   Buffer Area.
      (1)   All mobile home parks should have a fifty-foot buffer zone on all sides of their perimeters (boundary lines). Buffer zones shall be designed and clearly shown on the preliminary plan and the final plan as approved for recording, as well as the metes and bounds (or all dimensions of the buffer area).
      (2)   The buffer area shall be maintained in its natural state and shall not have any structure erected thereon or have any use as part of or for the park.
(Ord. 2143. Passed 8-16-93.)