(a) The President of Council shall have the option to appoint the following committees of Council and/or shall have the option of combining any of the committees of Council:
(1) Finance Committee
(2) Public Safety Committee
(3) Public Works Committee
(4) Recreation Committee
(5) Utilities Committee
(6) Administration Committee
(7) Community Development and Planning Committee
(8) Personnel Committee
(b) The President shall appoint the Chairperson of each committee as the Committee, and should the President deem additional members necessary, other members of Council to serve on the Committee. The President shall be the ex-officio member of each committee.
(c) The President may appoint other committees from time to time, as he or she may deem necessary, and in the best interests of the Borough.
(d) The committees are charged with working with the office of the Manager in matters of research and program development. They are charged, along with the office of the Manager, with responsibility to all of Council in matters of administrative oversight. Specifically, the assignments and responsibilities of standing committees shall be as follows:
(1) Finance Committee. This Committee shall concern itself with the following matters and those as may be assigned by the President from time to time:
A. Assist the Manager in monitoring and review of the fiscal operations of the Borough and its utilities, and oversight of the office of the Manager in the same.
B. Review financial reports prepared and presented to the Council, including, but not limited to, monthly reports, statements and annual audits.
C. Assist the Manager and Secretary/Treasurer in the preparation of financial studies and evaluations related to borrowing for capital improvements and other debt services.
D. Following the submission of the proposed budget by the Manager for each year, call for and conduct meetings with the various standing committee chairpersons and department heads pertaining to their respective budget requests. The Committee shall call for and conduct a meeting with the whole of Council. The Committee shall request that the Council hold a public meeting on or before November 30 for the purposes of adopting a proposed/tentative budget for the ensuing budget year.
E. Review and evaluate requests and recommendations by the Manager and/or the Secretary/Treasurer pertaining to rates, billing and collection practices for utilities, such as electric and sewer rentals, and fees and charges for services provided by the Borough, such as alarm services, communication services, building permits, street openings, parking meter rates, etc. The Committee shall submit its findings and recommendations to the whole of Council pertaining to the aforesaid matters.
(2) Public Safety Committee. This Committee shall concern itself with the following matters and those as may be assigned by the President from time to time:
A. Special programs and projects; capital improvements; acquisition of major equipment for the Police and Fire Departments.
B. Meet and discuss with the head of each department, and with the Mayor or Manager, depending upon reorganizational responsibilities, pertaining to the annual budget requests of each department.
C. Those matters pertaining to refuse and solid waste collection and disposal.
D. Those matters pertaining to the Board of Health, the Health Officer and public health in general.
(3) Public Works Committee. This Committee shall concern itself with the following matters and those as may be assigned by the President from time to time:
A. Special programs and projects, capital improvements and acquisition of major equipment for the Department of Public Works; playgrounds and recreation facilities owned and/or under the control of the Borough; and acquisition of major equipment related to such parks, playgrounds and recreation facilities.
B. Meet and discuss annual budge requests with the head of the Department of Public Works and the Manager.
(4) Recreation Committee. This Committee shall concern itself with the following matters and those assigned by the President from time to time, and insofar as such matters are not in conflict with those delegated to other boards or commissions.
A. Special programs and projects pertaining to recreational activities sponsored and/or under the control of the Borough.
B. Meetings and discussions with boards, commissions and/or committees, and the Manager, with respect to annual budgets related to recreation activities.
The Chairperson of this Committee may serve as the liaison between boards and commissions which deal with recreation activities.
(5) Utilities Committee. This Committee shall concern itself with the following matters and those as may be assigned by the President from time to time:
A. Special programs and projects, capital improvements and acquisition of major equipment, and those matters related to providing utility services to other municipalities.
B. Meetings and discussions with department heads and the Manager with respect to annual budget requests for each department.
(6) Administration Committee. This Committee shall concern itself with the following matters and those as may be assigned by the President from time to time:
A. Special programs and projects related to administrative procedures/practices and policies; acquisition of office equipment and supplies.
B. Matters pertaining to the sale and/or acquisition of properties of the Borough.
C. Matters pertaining to insurance carried by the Borough, including, but not limited to, general liability, automotive fleet insurance, workers' compensation, unemployment and other insurance necessary to protect the Borough and its officials and employees.
D. Appointments and reappointments to and vacancies on all boards, commissions and authorities of the Borough, which shall be presented to Council at meetings by this Committee. All persons wishing to serve or be reappointed to boards, commissions and authorities must make their desires known by submitting their name and the name of the agency on which they wish to serve, in writing, to this Committee, through the Borough Secretary/Treasurer, at least twenty days prior to the date set for presentation to Council, as may be announced and/or advertised.
(7) Community Development and Planning Committee. This Committee shall concern itself with the following matters and those as may be assigned by the President from time to time:
A. Establishment of plans for land use control and environmental regulations.
B. In conjunction with the office of the Manager and the Planning Commission, implementation of the Planning and Zoning Code.
C. Preparation of a Comprehensive Development Plan to govern development through:
1. Zoning
2. Subdivision and land development
3. Planned residential development
D. In conjunction with the office of the Manager, implementation of the following regulations:
1. Flood plain
2. Storm water management
3. Sewage enforcement
4. Solid waste management
5. Building and housing codes
6. Historic districts
E. Ensure that the performance of the Community Development Director is efficient and effective.
F. Recommend to Council as a whole the application and implementation of grant programs from Federal and/or State and/or County agencies, for related community development and planning activities.
A member of the Committee, on a schedule determined by the Chairperson, shall attend meetings of the Borough Planning Commission to serve as a liaison between the Commission and Borough Council.
(8) Personnel Committee. This Committee shall be responsible for overseeing the office of the Manager to ensure the proper formulation of the following policies and practices:
A. Hiring policy
B. Development of job descriptions
C. Affirmative action policies
D. Equal employment opportunity
E. Fair labor standards
F. Personnel policies
G. Employment policies
H. Pay practices
I. Reimbursement of employee expenses
J. Employee benefits
K. Borough premises and work areas
L. Absence from work
M. Personal conduct
N. Develop maximization of employee potential
O. Develop compensation.
P. Sexual harassment complaints.
This Committee shall also serve as the review committee for employee grievance procedures and/or hearings.
(Res. 1990-11. Passed 3-12-90; Ord. 2243. Passed 11-16-98; Ord. 2571. Passed 4-20-20.)