(a)   The order of business at regular meetings shall be as follows:
      (1)   Call to order by President
      (2)   Roll call
      (3)   Invocation
      (4)   Pledge of Allegiance
      (5)   Visitors
      (6)   Communications
      (7)   Commendations
      (8)   Approval of minutes of previous meetings
      (9)   Approval of vouchers
      (10)   Departmental reports
      (11)   Bid openings
      (12)   Ordinances
      (13)   Resolutions
      (14)   Appointments/resignations – boards, authorities, commissions
      (15)   Committees of Council
      (16)   Unfinished business
      (17)   New business
      (18)   Mayor’s report
      (19)   Manager’s report
      (20)   Announcements
      (21)   Adjournment
   (b)   The order of business at special meetings shall be as follows:
      (1)   Call to order by President
      (2)   Roll call
      (3)   Pledge of Allegiance
      (4)   Purpose(s) of the special meeting
      (5)   Visitors
      (6)   Adjournment
(Res. 1990-11. Passed 3-12-90; Ord. 2571. Passed 4-20-20.)