(a)   (1)   Scope. The work covered by this section of these specifications consists of furnishing all labor, equipment, and materials and performing all operations in connection with the restoration or repair of streets in strict accordance with this section of the specifications and applicable drawings.
            In general, street construction shall conform to the requirements of this section. Where reference is made in these specifications to PennDOT Publication 408, it shall be understood to mean Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Transportation Specifications (2016), or latest version, including all supplements. Those sections of PennDOT Publication 408 as referred to shall be as much a part of these specifications as though they were herein attached. The Public Works Director shall be notified at least 24 hours in advance for inspection purposes.
      (2)   Restoration and Repairs - Borough Roads. All open cuts made in any Borough road shall be completed and restored as detailed herein.
         A.   Permission must be secured from the Borough.
         B.   For patching repairs, the pavement to be removed shall be sawcut to neat lines prior to excavation with the limits of repair to be determined by the Public Works Director.
            1.   Backfill openings in any Borough road with coarse aggregate meeting the material requirements of PennDOT Publication 408, Section 350.
            2.   Compact backfill to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director up to the bottom of the proposed bituminous materials.
            3.   The roadway pavement shall be replaced with four inches of Superpave Asphalt Mixture Design, HMA Binder Course, PG 64-22, 25 mm Mix and 1-1/2 inches of Superpave Asphalt Mixture Design, HMA Wearing Course, PG 64-22, 9.5 mm Mix. Bituminous materials shall meet the material specifications and be placed per PennDOT Publication 408.
         C.   Any opening in an alley way must be milled, 2-1/2 inches and paved the entire width of the alley plus 11 feet before the first cut and 11 feet beyond the last cut with 1-1/2 inches of base, paving fabric (approved by Borough Engineer) and one inch of top (unless directed otherwise). All trench or openings must have one foot of 2A fill or sand over pipe and 2A fill compacted to 95% in eight-inch lifts with 7-1/2 inches of asphalt base to road level within 30 days of excavation date or unless final restoration is completed within 30 days of excavation date. Unless base work and final road restoration is completed within 30 days, five inches of asphalt base, 1-1/2 inches of leveling, and one inch of wear will be appropriate.
         D.   Any intersecting street, drive, avenue, road, court, circle, or way must be cut back 15 feet, milled and paved. Any street opening must be milled 2-1/2 inches and no less than 11 feet of the full lane in which the opening took place along with 1-1/2 inches of base, paving fabric (approved by Borough Engineer) and one inch of top (unless directed otherwise). All trench or openings must have one foot of 2A fill or sand over pipe and 2A fill compacted to 95% in eight-inch lifts. With 7-1/2 inches of asphalt base to road level within 30 days of excavation date. Unless base work and final road restoration is completed within 30 days of excavation date, five inches of asphalt base, 1-1/2 inches of leveling, paving fabric, and one inch of wear will be appropriate.
      (3)   For trenching repairs, the pavement to be removed shall be sawcut to neat lines prior to excavation. Includes milling and resurfacing as described herein.
         A.   Backfill openings in any Borough road with coarse aggregate meeting the material requirements of PennDOT Publication 408, Section 350.
         B.   Compact backfill to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director up to the bottom of the proposed bituminous materials.
         C.   The roadway pavement shall be replaced with 5-1/2 inches of Superpave Asphalt Mixture Design, HMA Binder Course, PG 64-22, 25 mm Mix placed in the trench so as to be equal in height to that of the existing roadway surface. Mill from the edge of the roadway closest to where the trench work has been performed to the centerline of the roadway to a depth of two inches. Replace this milled lane with 0.5 inch of Superpave Asphalt Mixture Design, HMA Scratch Course, PG 64-22, 9.5 mm Mix, Paving Fabric and 1-1/2 inches of Superpave Asphalt Mixture Design, HMA Wearing Course, PG 64-22, 9.5 mm Mix. Bituminous materials shall meet the material specifications and be placed per PennDOT Publication 408. The start and stop locations of this work are to be determined by the Public Works Director.
   (b)   All excavations which are located in improved cartway, driveway or shoulder areas, whether Municipal or private facilities, shall receive special crushed stone backfill of the type specified. Wherever special backfill is required, the permittee shall waste all excavated native materials and shall be solely responsible for arrangements for wasting such materials. The permittee shall then apply specified crushed aggregate in maximum lifts of 24 inches and mechanically tamp the same into place using an approved type pad compactor and methods for the full depth of the excavation or to the level of the required base course. In all cases where an excavation has taken place in a paved roadway or an area proposed to be paved, each layer shall be compacted to densities equal to that of the adjacent original material so that pavement can be placed or replaced immediately. The permittee must notify the Director no less than 24 hours prior to beginning the backfilling of excavations.
   (c)   The following regulations shall govern surface restoration:
      (1)   The permittee is totally responsible for effecting surface restoration in kind. In improved pavement areas, whether such paving is public or private, if the existing pavement is asphalt or bituminous concrete, after sawcutting, as specified, the damaged area of the existing pavement structure shall be removed and the repair area undercut to receive an eight- inch asphalt concrete pavement structure installation. In undercutting to receive the replacement pavement structure, the bottom of the excavation shall be given a ten-inch lift of crushed aggregate base course leveled to true lines and grades and mechanically tamped to achieve maximum compaction. Thereupon, the permittee shall install eight inches of concrete and a minimum of one and one-half inch lift of ID-2A top material meeting the requirements of Section 1024.13(m)(3). However, the top of the eight inches of concrete shall not be any higher than the top of the existing base material and shall not extend up into the asphalt surface material. The surface course shall then be finished with ID-2A top material to provide a smooth and uniform surface with the existing surface. If the existing bituminous surface is less than one and one-half inches, the concrete shall be held lower to allow a minimum of one and one-half inches of ID-2A top material. The contractor shall seal all joints after paving is complete. If the existing pavement is cement concrete, the minimum width of replaced concrete pavements shall be four feet at interiors and six feet at joints. In excavations occurring under existing pavement, where the pavement has been removed, a sub-base course of concrete, eight inches in thickness, shall be placed extending at least one foot onto each side of the unexcavated portion of the trench top. If the existing surface or pavement material is other than asphalt or concrete, the former pavement shall be replaced with a pavement comparable to that which had been removed.
      (2)   The permittee may temporarily restore the surface whenever it is impractical to immediately effect final, permanent surface restoration. A temporary restoration shall be identical to final permanent restoration, except that asphaltic, concrete or matching surface materials may be substituted with crushed aggregate, as specified, for a period not exceeding 30 days.
      (3)   The permittee shall be totally responsible for surface restoration, including vegetation of all previously seeded areas disturbed by the project. Disturbed areas shall be restored as nearly as possible to original conditions. The permittee shall be required to grade the area to match adjacent contours, apply topsoil and nutrients as required to develop permanent grasses, and seed and mulch all such disturbed areas. The permittee shall be encouraged to strip and stockpile topsoil prior to trenching or excavation operations, with such stockpiled topsoil to be returned for disturbed area restoration. Grass seed for surface restoration of all off-street private right-of-way areas shall be of the mix design as specified.
   (d)   All work, including pavement cuts, openings, test holes, excavations, backfilling, proper bridging of the excavation and final restoration of the surface, shall be done by the permittee in accordance with Borough regulations and specifications and under the inspection of the Director. A permittee may contract the work to be done by others, but the permittee shall be responsible and liable for all such work done the same as if the work had been done by the permittee.
   (e)   Disturbed portions of the highway, including, but not limited to, slopes and appurtenances and structures such as guide rails, curbs, signs, markings, drain pipes, driveways and vegetation, shall be restored by the permittee to a condition at least equal to that which existed before the start of work authorized by the permit, if the restoration is consistent with the “Roadway Construction Standards”. Additional restoration may also be required, upon written notification, to restore the structural integrity of the pavement or shoulder. If the permittee opens pavement having a bituminous concrete surface and the Department's wearing course is less than five years old, the permittee shall, in addition to the restoration conditions outlined in the permit and in this section, overlay the pavement in accordance with the following conditions:
      (1)   When a longitudinal opening longer than 100 linear feet has been made in the pavement, the permittee shall overlay the traffic lanes in which the opening was made, for the entire length of highway that was opened, in a manner authorized by the Department.
      (2)   When two or more openings are made in any one block, the permittee shall overlay the traffic lanes in which the openings were made for the entire length of highway between the openings plus 11 feet on each side of the opening.
      (3)   When four or more openings have been made by the same permittee at any time within 100 linear feet of pavement, the permittee shall overlay traffic lanes in which the openings were made, for the entire length of highway between the openings, in a manner authorized by the Department.
   (f)   After an excavation is commenced, the work of making and backfilling the same shall be prosecuted with due diligence.
   (g)   The Director shall make such inspections as he or she may deem necessary of all work authorized by a permit. The Director is hereby empowered to provide a full-time inspector, if necessary, to ensure compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
   (h)   All inspection costs shall be borne by the permittee. Such costs shall be based on a schedule of fees adopted by Council from time to time.
   (i)   The permittee shall be responsible for all work performed by him or her and for a period of two years from the date of final inspection and approval by the Director. The Director shall record the date and time of the final inspection and acceptance on the appropriate forms. One copy shall be retained by the Borough and one copy shall be sent to the permittee.
   (j)   If, during the two-year period provided for in subsection (i) hereof, the Director determines that settlement of the restored area occurs, the surface area deteriorates, cracks or fails, or any other condition occurs which indicates failure of the restored area, the Director shall inform the permittee, in writing, and the permittee shall make the necessary corrections and/or repairs as directed by the Director.
   (k)   In no case shall any opening made by the permittee be considered in the charge or care of the Borough or any of its officers or employees, and no officer or employee is authorized in any way to take or assume any jurisdiction over any such opening, except in the exercise of the police power, when it is necessary to protect life and property.
   (l)   Anytime an intersection is crossed or a curb is cut at an intersection, handicap ramps must be installed in all directions regardless of adjacent sidewalks, in accordance with State regulations.
(Ord. 1996. Passed 8-19-86; Ord. 2072. Passed 7-16-90; Ord. 2434. Passed 11-17-08; Ord. 2536. Passed 7-17-17; Ord. 2543. Passed 3-19-18.)