(a)   The location of adult entertainment establishments is of vital concern to the Borough Council of the Borough of Ellwood City when the location is in or near areas where minors may learn, play, pass by or would be exposed to the advertising, window displays or general atmosphere accompanying the operation. Thus, it is a firm belief of the legislative body that it has a vital duty and role to protect the moral fiber and standards of Borough residents, in particular the minors of the community.
   (b)   Council members, in enacting these regulations relative to adult entertainment establishments, exercise the power which has been granted to them. The Borough Council does not attempt or intend to absolutely prohibit adult entertainment establishments in the Borough, but rather seeks to regulate matters to promote, protect and facilitate the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of all of the residents of the Borough of Ellwood City.
(Ord. 2235. Passed 8-10-98.)