No person, knowing the obscene character of the materials involved, shall:
(a) Display or cause or permit the display of any explicit sexual materials in or on any window, showcase, newsstand, display rack, billboard, display board, viewing screen, motion picture screen, marquee or similar place, in such manner that the display is visible from any public street, highway, sidewalk, transportation facility or other public thoroughfare, or in any business or commercial establishment where minors, as a part of the general public or otherwise, are or will probably be exposed to view all or any part of such materials;
(b) Sell, lend, distribute, exhibit, give away or show any obscene materials to any person seventeen years of age or older, or offer to sell, lend, distribute, exhibit or give away or show, or have in his or her possession with intent to sell, lend, distribute, exhibit or give away or show, any obscene materials to any person seventeen years of age or older, or knowingly advertise any obscene materials in any manner;
(c) Design, copy, draw, photograph, print, utter, publish or in any manner manufacture or prepare any obscene materials;
(d) Write, print, publish or utter, or cause to be written, printed, published or uttered, any advertisement or notice of any kind giving information, directly or indirectly, stating or purporting to state where, how, from whom or by what means any obscene materials can be purchased, obtained or had; or
(e) Hire, employ, use or permit any minor to do or assist in doing any act or thing mentioned in this section.
(Ord. 2062. Passed 3-19-90.)