Ord. No.
| Date
| Description
Ord. No.
| Date
| Description
1895 | 4-15-80 | Ordaining Hack Wilson Dr. |
1947 | 7-19-83 | Ordaining of Walnut Dr. |
1948 | 9-20-83 | Ordaining of Steel Ct., Spring Ave. and Pittsburgh Circle in the U.S. Steel Industrial Park. |
Res. 1985-19 | 10-21-85 | Adding a portion of S. Second St. (from Hillside to the Borough line) to the Borough's road system. |
2038 | 11-14-88 | Ordaining and naming Wolverine St. |
2073 | 8-20-90 | Opening, naming and ordaining Park Ave. Extension. |
2205 | 1-20-97 | Ordaining Lower Railroad Way. |
2226 | 1-19-98 | Ordaining Meadowridge Dr., Cavalier Dr. and Sewall Ct. |