A.   Authority To Tow: The chief of police is hereby authorized and empowered to have removed any vehicle on or stalled on any street or alley in violation of this chapter and to have such vehicle placed in a garage or outdoor area by any person engaged in the general garage or filling station business.
   B.   Costs: Such vehicle shall not be recovered until reasonable costs of storing and towing the same have been fully paid. The chief of police shall have the further authority to direct employees of the city to remove any such vehicle, and the chief of police may impose a charge to be paid to the city clerk before the said vehicle may be taken or recovered by the owner thereof.
   C.   Lien Provisions: In the event that any vehicle held or stored by the direction of the chief of police upon which there are charges for storage or towing, or both, shall not be reclaimed, recovered or taken by the owner thereof, there shall be deemed to be imposed upon such vehicle a possessory lien in the amount so charged and unpaid, and should the owner thereof fail to pay the same, then the possessory lien may be foreclosed in the manner provided by law. (2011 Code)



2. See also title 5, chapter 6, article A of this code.