§ 31.06 VOTING.
   (A)   Method. All votes taken in the Council, except for the election of city officers, shall be by yeas and nays; but, upon the demand of the Mayor, any member made before such vote is taken, the roll shall be called and a record made by the City Clerk of the vote of every member voting.
   (B)   Roll calls.
      (1)   All roll calls made for a vote in the Council shall be made in a random order. The random order shall be determined by the City Clerk at the beginning of each and every Council meeting for all roll call votes during that meeting.
      (2)   Each member shall vote when his or her name is called, unless personally interested in the matter being voted upon or excused from voting by the Council.
   (C)   Council members to elect city officers by ballot. The city officers who are appointed by the Council shall be elected by ballot, and no person shall be declared elected unless he or she receives a majority of the votes cast.
(1991 Code, § 2-12) (Ord. 167, passed 4-4-2013)
Statutory reference:
   Prohibiting member of municipal governing body from voting on any subject on which he or she may be interested other than as a citizen, see W.Va. Code § 8-9-1
   Requirement that yeas and nays be recorded upon call of any member, see W.Va. Code § 8-9-3