§ 31.03 RULES.
   (A)   (1)   The Council may, by resolution, adopt such rules as may be deemed desirable for the conduct of its meetings, the transaction of its business and the official conduct of its members, and may include therein reasonable penalties for the violation thereof; but no such rule shall be inconsistent with the state law, the Charter or this code of ordinances.
      (2)   Such rules may include, among other subjects, the following:
         (a)   The appointment, jurisdiction and duties of standing and special committees of the Council;
         (b)   Attendance at meetings of the Council by members and by others;
         (c)   Investigations and hearings, the compulsory attendance thereat of witnesses and the production of books and papers thereat as evidence;
         (d)   Parliamentary procedure;
         (e)   The preservation of order at meetings; and
         (f)   The manner and form of petitions, applications and other papers intended for presentation to the Council, and procedures relating thereto.
   (B)   Until such time as the Council shall adopt rules pursuant to the provisions of division (A) above, the rules of the Council in force immediately preceding the effective date of this code and which are not codified herein or in conflict herewith shall continue in full force and effect.
(1991 Code, § 2-9)
Statutory reference:
   Authority of Council to investigate and inquire into all matters of concern to the city and its inhabitants, see W.Va. Code § 8-12-5(48)
   Authority of Council to make all needful by-laws and rules to carry into effect the authority granted to it by law, see W.Va. Code §§ 8-11-1, 8-12-5(45), (55)
   Power of Council to compel attendance of witnesses and production of books and papers, see W.Va. Code § 8-12-2(c)