No person, firm or corporation shall give or offer to any City officer, employee or agent, nor shall any City officer, employee or agent be permitted to accept, receive or solicit from any person, firm or corporation, any free pass or free transportation or free gift of the same, for himself or other person, or any free gift of any water, light or heat, or any other thing of value, from any person, firm or corporation having any franchise or contract from, under or with said City, or from any other officer, agent or employee of said City, or from any other person whatsoever, who may in any way or manner, be affected by the performance or non-performance of any official duty or obligation by such officer, employee or agent of said City, and the acceptance or solicitation of anything herein forbidden, shall be absolute ground of removal or dismissal from office, by the Council in the case of an elective office, and by the appointing power in the case' of any appointive office.