The territory of said City shall be divided into wards of approximately equal population as follows:
   First ward. Beginning at the beginning point of the corporate boundary, at Bridge Number two, and running thence down the Tygarts Valley River, with the meanders thereof, to the point where said river crosses the western boundary of said city and with said western boundary to the place of beginning.
   Second ward. Beginning at the point where the second corporate boundary line crosses the Beverly and Fairmont Pike, near the residence of W. H. Head and running thence with said Beverly and Fairmont Pike to the point where it intersects the Buffalo and Leading Creek Pike; thence with said last mentioned pike to the point where it crosses Cravens Run on the corporate boundary and shall include all the territory lying between said two pikes and the eastern boundary of the city.
   Third ward. Beginning at the point where the boundary of the First Ward crosses the West Virginia Central and Pittsburgh Railway, in the Tygarts Valley River, at Bridge Number one, near the intersection of Railroad Avenue and First Street, and running thence down said river with the meanders thereof to the point where the said river crosses the northern boundary of the city, thence with said northern boundary, in a northern direction to the point where said boundary line crosses said railroad, near Maplewood Cemetery, thence with said railroad to the place of beginning.
   Fourth ward. Beginning on the West Virginia Central and Pittsburgh Railway at the junction of Railroad Avenue and Second Street and running thence with Second Street to John Street; thence with John Street to Randolph Avenue, thence with Randolph Avenue to the junction of said avenue with Buffalo Street (a point in the boundary of the second ward) and shall include all the territory lying west and south of the streets just named which is not embraced in the First and Second Wards as above bounded.
   Fifth ward. Shall include all the territory within the corporate boundary lying north of the fourth ward, between the Second and Third Wards as above bounded.
   The number and boundary of the wards of said city may be changed at any time by the council thereof, but the number of wards shall not be reduced below three or increased above seven in number and shall be made as nearly equal in population as practical; provided, however, that no change in number or boundary of said wards shall be made nearer than sixty days before any general or special election to be held in said city; and provided, further, that no such change shall be made until public notice is given for at least thirty days, such notice to be posted at City Hall and at five or more public places in said city at least one of which notices shall be posted in each ward.