   All residents and nonresidents of the city shall pay a fee for ambulance and/or medical services provided by the Emergency Medical Service Division of the Fire Department of the city in accordance with the schedule established herein.
(1979 Code, § 118.01) (Ord. 4531, passed 10-16-2000; Am. Ord. 4879, passed 2-16-2004)
   (A)   The following user fees shall be charged for all ambulance and/or medical services provided by the city through its Emergency Medical Service Division of the Fire Department.
      (1)   One of the following fees shall be assessed for each ambulance run:
         (a)   Basic life support transport: $520.20;
         (b)   Advanced life support I transport: $594.74;
         (c)   Advanced life support II transport: $676.26;
         (d)   Advanced life support - no transport: $208.08.
      (2)   In addition to the fee enumerated above, a mileage fee of $12.24 per mile shall be assessed.
         (a)   The mileage fee shall be assessed per loaded patient miles with a minimum of one mile being charged per transport.
         (b)   No mileage fee shall be assessed for non-transport medical calls.
   (B)   The fees set forth in division (A)(2)(a) shall be charged per patient run occurrence; however, when more than two members of an immediate family residing at the same address and involved in the same incident are transported, the basic fee, mileage fee, and advanced life support fee shall be only billed for two persons.
   (C)   For billing purposes, the type of run and appropriate charge shall be determined by the records created and maintained by the Elkhart Fire Department.
   (D)   Hereafter, and in the event Medicare or other federal or state health care regulations require or allow an adjustment to ambulance/medical user fees, the Elkhart Fire Chief’s authorized to and shall amend once annually the user fees set out in division (A) of this section by the same percentage as the Medicare Fee Schedule rates for such services have been adjusted. This adjustment shall be effective on the calendar date immediately following the date on which written notice of said fee rate adjustment is filed in the office of the City Clerk. At the time such notice is filed, a copy of the new rates shall be made available in paper form for public viewing in the Elkhart Central Fire Station, and such new rates shall also be published promptly on the city’s website.
(1979 Code, § 118.02) (Ord. 4531, passed 10-16-2000; Am. Ord. 4879, passed 2-16-2004; Am. Ord. 5540, passed 12-5-2016; Am. Ord. 5674, passed 7-2-2018; Am. Ord. 5749, passed 7-15-2019)
   The revenues generated by the rates established in § 118.02 (A) shall be deposited as follows:
   (A)   75% into the Cumulative Fire Building and Equipment and Police Radio Fund.
   (B)   25% into the Rainy Day Fund.
(1979 Code, § 118.03) (Ord. 4531, passed 10-16-2000; Am. Ord. 4807, passed 3-10-2004; Am. Ord. 4836, passed 6-21-2004; Am. Ord. 4879, passed 2-16-2004; Am. Ord. 5749, passed 7-15-2019)