The classification “approved restaurant” is established for those restaurants which effectively discharge their responsibility to protect the public health in preparing, handling and serving food as follows:
(B) Every restaurant which complies will all of the requirements for an “approved” restaurant on 2 consecutive inspections by the Health Officer, which inspections are separated by at least 30 days, shall be provided with an “approved” placard which may be displayed in the restaurant.
(C) The “approved” placard shall remain the property of the Health Officer and shall be removed by the Health Officer from any restaurant the permit of which has been revoked. The Health Officer shall remove the “approved” placard from any restaurant when the restaurant fails to meet the requirements for an “approved” restaurant on 2 consecutive inspections separated by at least 30 days.
(D) For the purpose of determining eligibility for the “approved” rating, the Health Officer shall not consider as violations minor violations which are corrected during the course of the inspection.
(1979 Code, § 115.10) (Ord. 1643, passed 12-17-1956) Penalty, see § 115.99
Statutory reference:
Preparation of ordinances by Board of Health, see I.C. 16-20-1