   (A)   Whenever the Board of Public Works deems it expedient to pave the roadway of any street or part of a street, the Board of Public Works, upon written motion duly made and adopted, shall instruct the City Engineer to prepare and submit to the Board the following information concerning the abutting property: the material to be used and the manner of laying pipes for gas, water and sewer connections, the material to be used and the manner of laying the pipes from the mains to points inside the line of the curb of the roadway of the street.
   (B)   The report shall be confirmed, modified or rescinded by resolution. When the report is adopted by the Board of Public Works as amended or modified, the City Clerk shall give notice by publication once in 2 daily newspapers published in the city. The notice shall specify a time and place not more than 20 days after publication of the notice, when and after property owners affected by the proposed improvement may be heard as to the necessity for the improvement, and it shall also inform the owners of the abutting property to make the connections within 20 days from the publication of the notice.
(1979 Code, § 97.42) (Ord. 495, passed 5-15-1910) Penalty, see § 97.999