§ 95.999 PENALTY.
   (A)   Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of § 95.030 shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined not more than $100. Each day the violation is committed or permitted to continue, shall constitute a separate offense and shall be punishable as such.
(Ord. 1543, passed 12-3-1953)
   (B)   Any person who shall violate any provision of §§ 95.045 or 95.046 shall be guilty of a class C infraction and, upon being found guilty thereof, shall be fined not less than $25 for the first offense, not less than $100 for the second offense, and not less than $200 for all subsequent offenses. However, no fine shall exceed $2,500. Each day the violation continues shall be considered a separate offense. In addition, the party in violation shall be required to compensate the city for any and all expenses incurred pursuant to § 95.046.
(Ord. 3794, passed 4-20-1987)
   (C)    (Reserved).
   (D)   Any person convicted of a violation §§ 95.095 and 95.096 shall be fined as follows:
      (1)   A fine of not less than $250 for the first violation;
      (2)   A fine of not less than $500 for a second violation within 1,000 days of the previous infraction;
      (3)   A fine of not less than $1,000 for a third violation within 1,000 days of the previous infraction;
      (4)   A fine not exceeding $2, 500 for each additional violation occurring within 1,000 days of the previous infraction.
(Ord. 4178, passed 10-3-1994; Am. Ord. 4368, passed 7-8-1998; Am. Ord. 4433, passed 7-12-1999; Am. Ord. 4839, passed 7-14-2004; Am. Ord. 5116, passed 7-7-2008)
   (E)   Any person found by an applicable court to have violated division (B) of this section shall be fined not less than $100, nor more than $2,500.
(1979 Code, § 95.49) (Ord. 4424, passed 6-7-1999)
(1979 Code, § 95.99)