It is unlawful for an alarm user to sound a false alarm or permit a false alarm to be sounded upon his or her property, whether by negligence or otherwise. Upon each false alarm, the Communications Center shall notify the property owner, in writing, that (1) a false alarm was sounded on his property, (2) the time, date and type of alarm sounded, and (3) that false alarms in excess of 6 calls per calendar year may result in the imposition of fines of $50 to $400. Additionally, the Communications Center shall enclose educational information to assist in minimizing future false alarms and subsequent fines. Upon the seventh and any subsequent false alarm for any property within the city, the Communications Center shall forward verification of such circumstances to the Corporation Counsel or his or her designee, who shall initiate appropriate legal action against the property owner.
(1979 Code, § 94.04) (Ord. 4584, passed 5-7-2001) Penalty, see § 94.999