   (A)   No electrical wiring or equipment shall be installed within or on any building structure or premises publicly or privately owned, nor shall any alteration or addition be made in any such existing equipment without securing a permit from the Electrical Inspector. A permit must be applied for before the start of work or within 72 hours after the start of work if the permit-issuing office is closed at the time work begins.
   (B)   An application for a permit describing the work to be done shall be made in writing to the Electrical Inspector by the person, firm or corporation installing the work. However, the following exceptions shall apply:
      (1) Permits shall not be required for electrical work specifically exempted in §§ 157.001 and 157.015.
      (2) A permit shall not be required for a license holder to connect, alter or install electrical equipment on the load side of a branch circuit provided that the work complies with the electrical rules and codes recognized by this chapter.
(1979 Code, § 157.25) (Ord. 1453, passed 6-1-1949; Am. Ord. 3295, passed 4-8-1981; Am. Ord. 3451, passed 5-2-1983; Am. Ord. 3460, passed 6-6-1983; Am. Ord. 5070, passed 12-3-2007 )