   No person shall install, repair, alter or make major replacements of any heating, ventilating, cooling or refrigeration systems, incinerators or miscellaneous heat-producing appliances without first securing a permit from the Building Department. This permit shall be placed in a conspicuous place on the building where the mechanical work is being performed, and shall be properly filled out and signed by the Building Department. In cases of emergency, when the Building Department is closed, the permit shall be obtained within 72 hours from the time that the installation, alteration or related work was started. Permits shall be issued only to persons allowed by this chapter to do the work. Application shall be on forms furnished for such purpose by the Department and shall contain sufficient information for a proper description of the system, equipment and accessories to be installed or altered.
(1979 Code, § 155.45) (Ord. 3943, passed 9-11-1989) Penalty, see § 155.99