(A) Any owner or subdivider of land within the corporate limits of the city desiring to divide the land, or to dedicate streets, alleys or other lands for public use shall submit a subdivision application to the Plan Commission staff at least 30 days prior to the Plan Commission meeting.
(B) Applications are available in the City Planning and Development Department.
(C) The application requirements are:
(1) An application form signed by the owner(s) of record of the land to be subdivided specifying the intent of land use, drainage, sewage disposal, water supply, street improvements, restrictions existing or to be placed on the property and the expected date of its development;
(2) Application fee in accordance with § 152.006;
(3) List of names and addresses of all interested parties; and
(4) A site plan of the proposed subdivision indicating that all standards of this chapter have been met. The site plan shall contain the following elements:
(a) Proposed name of subdivision;
(b) Location by section, township and range or other legal description and by a general location map;
(c) Names and addresses of developer and plan designer;
(d) Scale 1 inch to 100 feet or larger (shown graphically), date and north point;
(e) Boundary line of proposed subdivision and total acreage encompassed;
(f) Location, widths and names of all existing or prior platted streets or other public ways, railroad and utility rights-of-way, parks and other public open spaces, permanent buildings and structures, permanent easements, and section and corporation lines within or adjacent to the tract;
(g) Location of existing and proposed sewers, water mains, culverts and other underground facilities within and adjacent to the tract indicating pipe sizes and manholes;
(h) Boundary lines of adjacent tracts indicating ownership of interested parties;
(i) Existing and proposed zoning of the proposed subdivision and adjacent tracts;
(j) Contours at two-foot intervals, except where topography requires one-foot intervals;
(k) Location, width and name of all proposed streets, rights-of-way, cross-walkways and easements;
(l) Layout, numbers and dimensions of lots with building setback lines, except for industrial subdivisions;
(m) Parcels of land to be dedicated or temporarily reserved for public use or set aside for use by the property owners of the subdivision;
(n) Location, name and characteristics of soils within the proposed subdivision;
(o) Any protective covenants regulating the use and development of the lots within the subdivision;
(p) General drainage plan of the area in and around the proposed subdivision, indicating retention areas, swales, ditches, storm sewers and catch basins.
(q) Location of the 100-year flood plain boundary for lands identified as flood prone.
(r) Boundary delineation of any wetlands loated in the subdivision. (See § 152.051, flood plain and wetlands regulations and the wetlands regulations set forth in § 151.096.)
(1979 Code, § 152.40) (Ord. 3909, passed 4-3-1989; Am. Ord. 4110, passed 6-21-1993)