Any advertising bench or sign which is erected or has been previously erected on any village, county or state right of way without the permission of the appropriate local or state agency and for which no permit was issued by the village shall be deemed to be a nuisance. In such case the department of engineering and community development shall give written notice by certified mail to the owner of such sign or bench or, if the owner is unknown, by posting such notice to the sign or bench advising that said sign or bench is in violation of the village sign ordinance and must be removed within ten (10) days from the notice date. Any bench or sign which is not removed within said time period shall be removed and stored by the village, and any such expense incident thereto shall be paid by the owner thereof. If the owner fails to claim said sign or bench within sixty (60) days from the date of removal, the village shall cause said sign or bench to be destroyed or otherwise dispose of same. In such event, the owner shall remain responsible for all costs associated with the removal, storage and disposal of such sign or bench.
(Ord. 1866, 1-13-1987)