The following rules and regulations shall apply to the riding of skateboards or using in-line skates at any facility or park owned or operated by the city that has been designated a skate facility:
   (A)   Within the skate facility, it shall be unlawful for any person to:
      (1)   Ride, operate, or use a skateboard or in-line skates unless that person is wearing a helmet designed for skateboarding or in-line skating with a chin strap, elbow pads designed for skateboarding or in-line skating with plastic elbow caps, and knee pads designed for skateboarding or in-line skating with plastic knee caps, which equipment shall be in good repair at all times during use.
      (2)   Ride, operate, or utilize a skateboard or in-line skates unless such equipment is in good repair at all times during use.
      (3)   Be on or use an individual apparatus within the skate facility while another person is using it.
      (4)   Place or utilize additional obstacles or other materials (including but not limited to ramps or jumps) within the skate facility.
      (5)   Use the skate facility amenities when the surfaces of the amenities are wet or other conditions exist which could adversely affect the safety of skateboarders or in-line skaters.
      (6)   Use, operate, or possess any source of amplified music, including but not limited to: stereos, boom boxes, and amplifiers.
      (7)   Enter or otherwise use the skate facility unless actively skateboarding or in-line skating in accordance with these regulations.
      (8)   Use, consume, or have within his or her custody or control, food or beverages, within the skate facility.
      (9)   Use, consume, or have within his or her custody or control, alcohol, tobacco products, or illegal drugs within the skate facility.
      (10)   Enter upon the skate facility grounds while under the influence of alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, or prescription drugs.
      (11)   Use or possess glass containers, bottles, or other breakable glass products within the skate facility.
      (12)   Use or engage in profanity, reckless and boisterous behavior (including, but not limited to: tandem riding, pushing, horseplay, and bullying) or any activity which could endanger the safety of persons using the skate facility or spectators.
      (13)   Engage in graffiti, tagging, or other defacing of city property or the property of others within any skate facility.
      (14)   Ride, operate, or utilize any device other than a skateboard or in-line skates (prohibited devices include, but are not limited to, bicycles, roller skateboards, motor vehicles, or motorized skateboards) within any skate facility.
      (15)   No person shall enter or remain in or upon the skate facility premises: 1) while closed, as determined by the City Manager or his or her designee, or 2) between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.
      (16)   Use or have within his or her custody or control, board wax or other similar items, within the skate facility.
      (17)   No person shall enter in or upon the skate facility premises with any animal.
(Ord. 2018-03-04, passed 3-26-2018)  Penalty, see § 91.99