Items noted in this section are related specifically to mobile home parks.
   (A)   Water service. Water service shall be by means of meters for individual lots constructed in freeze protected pits built to city specifications.
   (B)   Gas service. Gas service shall be provided by means of natural gas provided by the franchised gas utility.
   (C)   Connection and freeze protection. The connection and freeze protection of water, sewer and gas services shall be the responsibility of the mobile home park and shall be in compliance with established building codes.
   (D)   Skirting. All mobile homes shall be skirted, i.e., shall have the entire underneath portion of the mobile home enclosed so as to prevent animals from intruding beneath the home and providing for improved insulation and improve the appearance of the mobile home. Trailer hitches that cannot be removed from the mobile home shall be skirted and/or screened from view from the adjoining roadway.
   (E)   Landscaping. Landscaping of all lots shall consist of sod or suitable seeding with grass and a minimum of two live trees of not less than six feet in height as a part of development. Two or more shrubs or other plantings per lot shall be used to delineate rear lot lines and/or promote a pleasing appearance to the park as a whole.
   (F)   Fences. Fences are prohibited on lots occupied by mobile homes.
   (G)   Electrical service. Electrical service to each lot shall be a minimum of 100 amperes and shall be installed underground and as required by the subdivision ordinance (incorporated in Title D, Chapter 1).
   (H)   Sanitation. The city’s sanitation ordinances, policies and procedures apply in mobile home parks. Garbage collection shall be to each mobile home and be by the contractor contracted by the city to provide collection services to residential areas unless the City Council approves an alternate collection plan.
   (I)   Street lights. Street lights shall be provided at all street intersections and between intersections when the distance between lights exceeds 300 feet. Standard city street lighting specifications shall apply. The requirement for street lights may be waived by the City Council if an alternate plan will provide equivalent or better lighting.