(A)   Any order properly given by any officer of the city acting pursuant to his or her authority is appealable by the party affected upon written notice to the ordering officer. Said officer shall give written notice to the appealing party of a time and place at which the party may appear before the Council for hearing on the matter, and said notice shall list the specific reason(s) for the order, penalty, denial of license and the like. At the Council meeting, the officer shall submit a written report stating the reason(s) for his or her decision and the Council, after fair hearing, may reverse, amend, remand or uphold the officer’s decision. Upon commencement of a good-faith appeal, the order (or penalty and the like) in question shall be suspended until the Council affirms the order after hearing of the public health or safety is, in the Council’s determination, endangered. The Council’s decision shall be final and any further contest of the matter must be pursued through the legal process.
   (B)   This provision is intended to apply to all chapters within this code unless the provisions of any chapter are more restrictive upon the city’s actions.