§ 6.01.   The International Residential Code, 2021 edition, published by the International Code Council, 4051 West Flossmoor Road, Country Club Hills, IL 60478, is hereby adopted as the requirements for the design, construction, alteration, relocation, demolition, installation, use and occupancy of one- and two- family dwellings and townhouses and attached or unattached accessory structures with the following amendments.
   (A)   All references to building line and zoning are void, and the subject matter of the zoning ordinance (Title D, Chapter 2 of the City Code) shall be applicable.
   (B)   R101.1 Title. Insert “City of Eldridge, Iowa” as [NAME OF JURISDICTION].
   (C)   R101.2 Scope. Add “demolition projects will meet the requirements of Section 3303 Demolition of the 2021 International Building Code as amended”.
   (D)   R105.2 Building. Delete (1) in its entirety and replace with the following:
“(1) One-story detached accessory structures used as tool and garden sheds, playhouses and similar uses provided the floor area does not exceed 120 square feet”.
   (E)   R105.2 Building. Delete “(2) Fences” in its entirety.
   (F)   R105.2 Building. Delete (5) in its entirety and replace with “(5) Concrete flatwork on private property”.
   (G)   105.3.2 Time limitation of Application. Change “180 days” and “90 days” to “30 days”.
   (H)   R105.5 Expiration. Delete and replace with “105.5 Expiration. Every permit issued under the provisions of this Code shall expire (12) months from the date of issue. Exception: a permit application that is accompanied by construction schedule of a longer specific duration may be issued for the term of the construction schedule with approval of the Building Official. If the work has not been completed by the expiration date of the permit, no further work shall be done until the permit has been renewed by the owner or owner’s agent and by payment of the renewal fee as established by Resolution of the City Council and provided no changes have been made in plans or location”.
   (I)   Table R301.2 (1) Climate and geographical design criteria. 
Ground Snow Level
Wind Design
Seismic Design Category f
Subject to Damage From
Speed d (mph)
Topographic Effects k
Special Wind Region i
Wind-borne Debris Zone m
Weathering a
Frost line depth b
Termite c
p s = 30 psf, alcs for drift loads shall use a ground snow load p g = 25 psf
Moderate to Heavy
Winter Design Temp e
Ice Barrier Underlayment Required h
Flood Hazards g
Air Freezing Index i
Mean Annual Temp j
a.   Initial NFIP 03/01/1991
b.   Community #190574
c.   Panel date 3/23/2023 on panels 19163C0200G, 0215G, 0220G, and 4/11/2024 on panels 0335H, 0355H and 0360H.
   (J)   R302.13 Fire Protection of floors. Delete in its entirety.
   (K)   R311.3.2 Floor elevations at other exterior doors. Exception. Change “two” to “three”.
   (L)   R311.7.8.2 Continuity. Add: “Exception 3. Handrails within an individual dwelling unit or serving an individual dwelling unit that has one (1) offset or interruption per flight of stairs six inches (6”) in total length shall be considered, for the purpose of this code, to be continuous”.
   (M)   R313.1 Townhouse Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems. Exception, Add: “Or have 4 or fewer units in a building.”
   (N)   R313.2 One and two-family dwelling automatic sprinkler systems. Delete in its entirety.
   (O)   R320 Accessibility. Delete and replace with “R320 Accessibility. Iowa Administrative Code 661, Chapter 302 shall apply.”
   (P)   Table R403.1(1) Delete and replace with the following table R403.1(1).
Table R403.1 Number of Floors Supported
Thickness of Foundation Walls (inches)
Minimum Thickness Footing (inches)
Minimum Width of Footing (inches)
Minimum Depth of Foundation Below Finish Grade (inches)
Unit Concrete
      1.   Foundations may support a roof in addition to the stipulated number of floors. Foundations supporting roofs only shall be as required for supporting one floor. Footings shall be continuous and contain a minimum of two ½-inch reinforcement bars, and have a minimum compressive strength of 2,500 pounds per square inch at 28 days.
         A one-story wood frame building used as a private garage detached, accessory to a single family dwelling and not over 720 square feet in floor area may be constructed on a floating slab-on-grade provided the following conditions are met: A concrete perimeter grade-beam, twelve inches deep and twelve inches wide and reinforced with two ½-inch reinforcement bars shall be installed to support the exterior walls. A minimum four-inch thick concrete floor slab reinforced with wire mesh or fiber mesh shall be installed within the perimeter beam and shall be formed to allow a continuous pour consisting of the required grade beam and floor.
      2.   Cast-in-place concrete foundation walls shall be concrete having a minimum compressive strength of 28 days of not less than 3,000 pounds per square inch. In addition, the following shall apply:
         A.   The minimum thickness of a wall shall be 7 ½ inches.
         B.   Walls shall be reinforced with no less than three half-inch diameter, deformed ASTM A615 grade 40 steel bars placed horizontally at the center of the wall, with one bar located near the top, one bar located near the bottom and one bar located near mid-height of the wall.
   (Q)   R403.1.1 Minimum Size (Footings). Add “Exception 1. Deck footings not supporting a roof or overhead structure may be a minimum 12 inches in diameter and 42 inches below finished grade. Exception 2. All covered decks, screened porches, three season rooms, four season rooms, room additions and similar structures shall be supported on foundations compliant with Table R403.1 or conforming to one of the following methods:
      (1)   Pier footings designed and stamped by a design professional.
      (2)   12 inch wide reinforced trench footing 42 inches in depth.
      (3)   16” wide spread footings 42 inches in depth with a minimum 8 inch masonry or concrete foundation wall as per Figure 403.1.1”.
   (R)   R403.1.4.1 Frost Protection Exception 1, delete “600” and replace with “720”. After “(3048 mm) or less” add: “, and where wall lengths do not exceed 30’ long.”
   (S)   R507.3.1 Delete table in its entirety and replace with “507.3.1 Deck and Addition Footing Requirements.
      “All decks and additions (screened porches, 3 seasons rooms, 4 seasons rooms, etc.) with roof and flood loads combined shall have one of the following:
      1.   Pier footings designed by a professional engineer.
      2.   12” wide trench footing 42” in depth extended out 12” past point load.
      3.   Spread footings 42” in depth with a minimum 8” masonry wall or concrete foundation wall.”
   (T)   Chapter 11. Energy efficiency. Delete in its entirety and replace with “Chapter 11 Energy Efficiency. The 2015 International Energy Conservation Code, Residential Provisions as amended, shall apply.”
   (U)   M1601.1.1 Above ground duct systems. Delete “7.3 Stud wall cavities shall not convey air from more than one floor”.
   (V)   Chapters 25-32 (Plumbing requirements) Delete in their entirety and replace all references to these chapters with the Iowa State Plumbing Code.
(Ord. 2024-14, passed 11-18-2024)