§ 153.032 RESIDENTIAL B (RBS).
   (A)   Uses permitted.
      (1)   All uses permitted in the (RA) zone; and
      (2)   Apartment houses.
   (B)   Uses by special permits. All uses by special permit in the (RA) zone.
   (C)   Height limit. No structure shall be higher than 35 feet above grade.
   (D)   Lot requirements.
      (1)   The following minimum lot requirements shall apply to all single-family dwellings and two-family dwellings in the (RBS) zone:
         (a)   Structure must be elevated at least three feet above the ordinary high water mark.
         (b)   Each dwelling unit together with its accessory buildings hereafter erected, shall be located on a lot having an area of not less than:
Non-sewered areas
Sewered, water frontage areas
Sewered, no water frontage areas
         (c)   Each dwelling unit together with its accessory buildings erected shall be located on a lot having a width of at least 75 feet in sewered areas and 100 feet in non-sewered areas, and depth of not less than 120 feet.
         (d)   No structure shall be closer than 50 feet in sewered areas and 75 feet in non-sewered areas from the ordinary high water mark.
         (e)   No structure shall be placed nearer than 50 feet from the right-of-way line of any federal, state, or county trunk highway; or 30 feet from the right-of-way line of any municipal street.
         (f)   The total area of all impervious surfaces on a lot shall not exceed 30% of the total lot area.
         (g)   All lots shall front on and have ingress and egress by means of a public right-of-way.
         (h)   There shall be a side yard along each side of each building the sum of the width of which shall not be less than 30% of the width of the lot, provided that no side yard shall be less than five feet; and provided further that all lots subdivided prior to the passage of this chapter shall have a side yard of not less than four feet.
         (i)   Each lot shall have a rear yard of not less than 25 feet.
         (j)   Accessory buildings shall be located as set forth in § 153.030(D)(5).
      (2)   The following minimum lot requirements shall apply to all apartment houses (a multiple family dwelling):
         (a)   Structures must be elevated at least three feet above the ordinary high water mark.
         (b)   Each dwelling unit together with its accessory building hereafter erected, shall be located on a lot having an area of not less than:
Non-sewered areas
Sewered, water frontage areas
Sewered, no water frontage areas
         (c)   Each dwelling unit together with its accessory buildings hereafter erected shall be on a lot having a width of at least 75 feet in sewered areas and 100 feet in non-sewered areas and depth of not less than 120 feet.
         (d)   No structure shall be closer than 50 feet in sewered areas and 75 feet in non-sewered areas from the ordinary high water mark.
         (e)   No structure shall be placed nearer than 50 feet from the right-of-way line of any federal, state, or county trunk highway, or 30 feet from the right-of-way line of any municipal street.
         (f)   The total area of all impervious surfaces on a lot shall not exceed 30% of the total lot area.
         (g)   Each lot containing an apartment house, or several apartment houses grouped as a self-contained site arrangement, shall front on, and have ingress and egress by means of a public right-of-way.
         (h)   All apartment houses erected on a single lot shall have a side yard of not less than 15 feet on each side, provided, however, that where several such apartment houses are grouped as a self- contained site arrangement, the minimum distance between apartment houses in the interior of the group arrangement shall not be less than one-half the height of the individual buildings but in no case less than 15 feet and that such apartment houses located adjacent to adjoining lots shall be set back from such lots a minimum of 15 feet.
         (i)   Each lot shall have a rear yard of not less than 35 feet.
         (j)   Accessory buildings shall be located as set forth in § 153.030(D)(5).
   (E)   Parking requirements. As set forth in Appendix A.
   (F)   Loading and unloading requirements. As set forth in Appendix B.
(Ord. 126, passed 6-28-76)