(a)   Availability. The Commercial Rate is available to Commercial, Industrial and all other classes of service not provided for in the Residential Rate Schedule. This Schedule is applicable to all Commercial and other Nonresidential use, including business establishments, factories, processing plants, offices, restaurants, clubs, lodges, theaters, rest homes, hospitals, churches and all other establishments of a commercial, business, professional or nonresidential character.
   (b)   Net Rate Per Month Per Service. (Shall be the sum of the Charges (1) and (2) below.)
      (1)   A Commodity Charge computed as follows:

Gallons of Water Used
Effective for Bills Rendered On or After January 1, 2009
Minimum charge (first 1,000 gal.)
Additional charge gal. per 100 gal.

Gallons of Water Used
Effective for Bills Rendered On or After January 1, 2016
Minimum charge (first 1,000 gal.)
Additional charge gal. per 100 gal.
      (2)   An Additional Capacity Charge per service as follows:
Capacity of Service
Capacity Charge
         A.   The “Capacity of Service” shall be determined by the Village and shall normally be equal to the nominal diameter in inches of the water service line tap extending from Village’s main to Consumer’s meter or the size of the meter, whichever is smaller.
         B.   For governmental buildings, schools and charitable institutions, where the service line size is 4" or less, the Capacity of Service shall be the meter size but not less than 1" nor less than the size of the service line minus 1".
   (c)   Multiple Establishments. The Village reserves the right to require that all future individual businesses, establishments or activities located on the same premises, be individually metered and plumbed before service is established.
   (d)   Minimum Charge Per Month or Part Thereof. The Minimum Charge shall be not less than the sum of the above applicable Commodity Charge and the Capacity Charge.
      (1)   Where services larger than 1.0" are installed, the Minimum Charge shall be applicable on a 12 months year around basis and seasonal disconnections of service will not affect Consumer’s liability to pay the applicable Minimum Charge.
      (2)   For tax-free and non-profit public activities such as county fairs, athletic fields, swimming pools and the like, the Minimum Charge shall be applicable every month that service is turned on. However, the Minimum Charge shall be applicable for not less than 3 months for fairs and 6 months for athletic fields and swimming pools.
   (e)   Billing. All billings will be on an approximately 30 day basis and will be billed to the nearest 100 gallons registered on the meter. All rates shall be applicable for any fractional part of a billing month.
   (f)   Terms of Payment. The rates set forth above are Net and apply only in the event all accounts for water service are paid within 10 days from date of bill. If not so paid the Gross Rates, which are the above Net Rates plus 10% shall apply.
   (g)   Fire Protection Service. For all fire protection service installations made after the effective date of this Schedule and requiring a special separate fire service line located on Consumer’s premises, Consumer shall install at his expense, subject to Village’s inspection and approval, all of the necessary complete and separate piping system extending from Consumer’s system and connecting to the Village’s existing water main.
      (1)   All separate fire service lines shall have installed in same a check meter to determine any flow of water in same and to detect any illegal diversion of water from the fire line. Such meter and its installation shall meet Village’s specifications and the entire installation shall be at the expense of Consumer.
      (2)   No charge will be made for any measured water flow through said fire line resulting from use of water for fire fighting purposes. For each separate fire service line, a Special Additional Charge will be made (in addition to the foregoing rate charges for water plus any line extension cost) as follows:
Size of Fire Service Line
Monthly Billing
Quarterly Billing
      (3)   The above additional charges shall not apply to wholly tax supported public buildings such as schools and governmental buildings.
   (h)   Other Provisions and Conditions. Other provisions and conditions pertaining to application and furnishing of service, deposits, the making of water taps, system capacity and other charges, the disconnection, reconnection and transfer of service, responsibility for payment of bills and other conditions are provided for in the Village’s General Rules, Terms and Conditions, available at the Village’s Water Department Office, which are a part of this Schedule, the same as if herein written.
(Ord. 08-15. Passed 10-19-15.)