(a)   Availability. The Residential Rate is available for domestic water service to individual residences and multiple dwelling units such as apartments, trailers, etc., used for strictly residential purposes. Where service is supplied for commercial, business, professional or for other similar nonresidential purposes, such service shall be considered as Commercial in character and the applicable Schedule shall apply.
   (b)   Net Rate Per Service or Dwelling Unit Per Month or Part Thereof.
                           Effective for Bills
                           Rendered On or After
      Gallons of Water Used            January 1, 2009
      Minimum charge (first 1,000 gal.)            $10.43
      Additional charge gal. per 100 gal.            $0.444
      Gallons of Water Uses            Effective for Bills
      Minimum charge (first 1,000 gal.)         Rendered On or
      Additional charge gal. per 100 gal.         After January 1, 2016
   (c)   Multiple Dwelling Units. Where more than one dwelling unit (such as an apartment house, duplex, trailer court, etc.) is served through a single meter, the minimum monthly charge shall be the number of dwelling units times the minimum unit charge. The gallonage included in said multiple minimum charge shall be 1,000 gallons per dwelling unit. The Village reserves the right to require that all future individual dwelling units be individually metered and plumbed before water service is established.
   (d)   Minimum Charge Per Month or Part Thereof. The Minimum Charge shall be not less than the above applicable charge for the first 1,000 gallons of water used during any monthly billing period or part thereof.
   (e)   Terms of Payment. The rates set forth above are Net and apply only in the event all accounts for water service are paid within ten days from date of bill. If not no paid, the Gross Rates, which are the above Net Rates plus ten percent (10%) shall apply.
   (f)   Billing. All billing will be on an approximately thirty day basis and will be billed to the nearest 100 gallons as registered on the meter. All rates shall be applicable for any fractional part of a billing month. The Village reserves the right to bill on a quarterly basis, in which event the gallons in each rate block and the Minimum Charge as set forth above will be multiplied by 3.
   (g)   Other Provisions and Conditions. Other provisions and conditions pertaining to application and furnishing of service, deposits, the making of water taps, system capacity and other charges, the disconnection, reconnection and transfer of service, responsibility for payment of bills and other conditions are provided for in the Village’s General Rules, Terms and Conditions, which are part of this Schedule, the same as if herein written.
(Ord. 08-15. Passed 10-19-15.)