(a)    Any person owning or having charge of land within the Municipality within two hundred (200) feet of any residential or commercial building shall keep said land free of high grasses and weeds. "High grasses and weeds" shall be any grasses or weeds in excess of six (6) inches high.
   (b)   Upon information that high weeds and grasses are growing on lands in the Municipality, the Mayor shall cause written notice to be served on the owner or person having charge of such lands, which notice shall advise that such grasses or weeds must be cut within five (5) days after service of such notice. The notice may be served by any person authorized by the Mayor by personally serving such owner or person having charge of the lands, or by leaving a copy with a responsible person at the residence, or by posting a copy in a conspicuous place at the residence. If the owner or person having charge of such land is a non-resident of the Municipality, and his address is known, such notice may be sent to his address by certified mail, or if certified mail is not accepted, then by ordinary mail. Such notice may also be made by personal service or residential service. If such person's address is unknown, it shall be sufficient to publish such notice once in a newspaper of general circulation in the County or post such notice in a conspicuous place on the land.
(Ord. 02-03. Passed 4-7-03.)