Telecommunications facilities must meet the following standards, regardless of location:
(a) Compliance with Laws and Regulations. All telecommunications facilities must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to the Ohio Basic Building Code and the applicable regulations promulgated by the Federal Aviation Administration and the FCC (including radio frequency [electromagnetic] emissions standards) and by the Ohio Department of Transportation, and their respective successors.
(b) Sound Construction. All telecommunications towers and telecommunications attachments must be soundly constructed and, including any guy wires, must be securely anchored to a foundation appropriate for the applicable soil conditions, and must be able to withstand sustained winds of at least 100 miles per hour and ice loads in accordance with the American National Standards Institute/Electronic Industry Association, Section 222-F (Annex H: Commentary on Ice Design Criteria for Communications Structures), as the same may be amended from time to time.
(c) Security Fencing. Security fencing 8 feet in height shall surround the telecommunications facilities (including any guy wires), or each of them, as required by applicable law or as may be determined by the Village Administrator. (In no case shall barbed or razor wire be used on security fencing in residential districts.
(d) Anti-Climbing Devices. Telecommunications towers and telecommunications attachments shall be fitted with anti-climbing devices.
(e) Maintenance. All telecommunications facilities must be regularly maintained as appropriate to ensure that safety is not compromised.
(f) Non-Interference. No telecommunications facilities may interfere with any public safety, police, fire, ambulance, or other governmental telecommunications.
(Ord. 696. Passed 8-24-98.)