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Sec. 8-1-7 Compulsory Connection to Village Sewer and Water System.
   (a)   When Required. Whenever a sewer or watermain becomes available to any building used for human habitation, the owner of the property upon which the building is located shall connect the building to such main or mains in the manner prescribed by law, except the Village Board may defer connection to such water or sewer main or mains for those properties which have existing operable septic systems or wells or whose construction was permitted by the Village of Edgar.
   (b)   Notice; Payment.
      (1)   The owner of any parcel of land adjacent to a water or sewer main upon which there exists a need for water supply, or sewer service, whether now or in the future, and for whatsoever reason, or in a block through which such system is extended shall connect the available water or sewer main/system within one hundred eighty (180) days of notice in writing from the Village to so connect. Upon failure to do so, the Village of Edgar may cause such connection to be made and billed to the property owner for such costs. Such costs may include, without limitation, the cost of disconnecting any private wells so as to provide for adequate cross-connection controls within the municipal water system. If such costs are not paid within thirty (30) days of billing to the property owner by the Village, such costs shall be assessed as a special tax lien against the property; however, that the owner may, within thirty (30) days after the completion of the work, file a written option with the Village Administrator stating that he/she cannot pay such amount in one (1) sum and ask that there be levied in not to exceed five (5) equal installments and that the amount shall be so collected with interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum from the completion of the work, the unpaid balance being a special tax lien, all pursuant to Sec. 144.06, Wis. Stats.
      (2)   In lieu of the above, the Village of Edgar, at its sole option, may impose a penalty for the period that the violation continues, after ten (10) days written notice to any owner failing to make a connection to the municipal water or sewer system in an penalty amount to be as great as the current average residential user cost plus ten percent (10%) interest for administrative costs per month for each residential unit equivalent for the period in which the failure to connect continues, and upon failure to make such payment said charge shall be assessed as a special tax lien against the property, all pursuant to Sec. 144.06, Wis. Stats.
      (3)   This Section ordains that the failure to connect to the water or sewer system is contrary to the minimum health standards of said Village and fails to assure preservation of public health, comfort, and safety of the Village of Edgar.
   (c)   Building Inspector May Cause Connection at Expense of Owner. In the alternative to Subsection (b), the owner or his/her agent fails to comply with the notice of the Building Inspector within ten (10) days of service or mailing thereof, the Building Inspector may cause connection to be made and the expense thereof shall be assessed as a special charge against the property.
   (d)   Privies, Cesspools, Etc., Prohibited After Connection With Sewer. After connection of any building used for human habitation to a sewer main, no privy, cesspool or waterless toilet shall be used in connection with such human habitation.
Sec. 8-1-8    Unhealthy, Hazardous or Unsightly Materials on Public or Private Property.
   (a)   Inspections.
      (1)   Whenever the Building Inspector, Fire Inspector, Zoning Administrator, or other authorized Village official shall, upon inspection of any premises within the Village of Edgar finds that there is deposited, placed, stored or remaining on said premises any garbage, junk, rubbish, rubble, trash, construction materials, rotting yard and orchard waste, merchandise or parts, accumulation of grease or food wastes in a grease trap or other place or depository which presents a risk of clogging or blocking a sewer system, or any other unhealthy, hazardous or unsightly materials or thing which create a fire or health hazard, or which is detrimental to the appearance, neatness and cleanliness of the immediate neighborhood or the Village of Edgar in general, such official shall issue his/her written order to the owner and/or occupant of the premises to remove such offending items.
      (2)   Said written order shall provide that such removal shall be accomplished within ten (10) days after service of said order upon the owner or occupant of the premises involved. Such written order, in addition to specifying and describing the material or things to be removed, shall also set forth on the face thereof the provisions of Subsection (b).
      (3)   Prosecution of violators under this Section shall not preclude other enforcement actions allowed by law, including other actions under this Code of Ordinances.
   (b)   Appeal. Any person aggrieved by an order of a Village official under this Section may, within thirty (30) days from the date of such order, request a hearing before the Village Board. The request for said hearing must be made in writing to the Village Administrator's office within thirty (30) days of the date of said order. The Village Board shall hold a hearing within seven (7) days from the date of the aggrieved party's request. The Village shall take no abatement action until such time as the requested hearing is held, except when necessary to remove a human health hazard in accordance with Subsection (e). At the hearing, the person aggrieved may appear in person and/or by attorney and may subpoena, present and cross-examine witnesses. At the close of the hearing, the Village Board shall make its determination in writing specifying its findings of facts and conclusions. If the Village Board determines that a public nuisance did exist, the Village Board may order the Village to proceed under Subsection (e), (f) and/or (h) of this Section.
   (c)   Exceptions. Nothing contained in this Section shall be construed to prohibit the depositing of rubbish, rubble, junk, trash, abandoned, outmoded or nonsalable merchandise or parts or unsightly materials or things which are:
      (1)   Lawfully sited pursuant to the Village Zoning Code and operated in a manner not constituting a nuisance; or
      (2)   Temporarily deposited due to an emergency; or
      (3)   Materials during construction; or
      (4)   Collected and piled for immediate collection and disposal by the Village or by a private service.
   (d)   Nonconforming Uses. It shall not be a defense to the provisions of this Section that the owner or occupant of the premises involved has a nonconforming use, but the provisions of this Section shall be complied with notwithstanding that the owner or occupant of any given premises is using or occupying such premises under a valid nonconforming use.
   (e)   Abatement by Village. If the inspecting officer determines that said nuisance is a human health hazard, as defined in Sec. 254.01, Wis. Stats. and Section 8-1-2 of this Code of Ordinances, and is not abated within the time provided in Subsection (a), and there has been no appeal as set forth in Subsection (b), the officer shall file a written report of his/her findings with the Village Board, and the Village Board may abate the nuisance pursuant to Section 8-1-2, Section 10-5-8 and/or Title 11, Chapter 6 of this Code of Ordinances.
Cross-Reference: Sections 8-1-2 and 10-5-8, and Title 11, Chapter 6
Sec. 8-1-9 Rodent Control.
   (a)   Definitions. The following definitions shall be applicable in this Section:
      (1)   Owner or Manager. Whenever any person or persons shall be in actual possession of or have charge, care or control of any property within the Village of Edgar, as executor, administrator, trustee, guardian or agent, such person or persons shall be deemed and taken to be the owner or owners of such property within the true intent and meaning of this Section and shall be bound to comply with the provisions of this Section to the same extent as the owner, and notice to any such person of any order or decision of the Building Inspector or his/her designee shall be deemed and taken to be a good and sufficient notice, as if such person or persons were actually the owner or owners of such property, except that whenever an entire premises or building is occupied as a place of business, such as a store, factory, warehouse, rooming house, junk yard, lumber yard or any other business under a single management, the person, firm or corporation in charge of such business shall be considered the owner or manager.
      (2)   A Rodent-Proof Container. A rodent-proof container shall be a container constructed of concrete or metal, or the container shall be lined with metal or other material that is impervious to rodents, and openings into the container such as doors shall be tight- fitting to prevent the entrance of rodents.
      (3)   Rodent-Proofing. Rodent-proofing shall consist of closing openings in building foundations and openings under and around doors, windows, vents and other places which could provide means of entry for rodents, with concrete, sheet iron, hardware cloth or other types of rodent-proofing material approved by the Village of Edgar.
      (4)   Rodent Harborage. Any place where rodents can live and nest without fear of frequent molestation or disturbance.
      (5)   Hardware Cloth. Wire screening of such thickness and spacing as to afford reasonable protection against the entrance of rodents.
   (b)   Elimination of Rodent Harborages. Whenever accumulations of rubbish, boxes, lumber, scrap metal, car bodies or any other materials provide rodent harborage, the person, firm or corporation owning or in control of such materials shall cause the materials to be removed or the materials shall be stored so as to eliminate the rodent harborage. Lumber, boxes and similar materials shall be neatly piled. These piles shall be raised at least a foot above the ground. When the owner of the materials cannot be found after a reasonable search, the owner or manager of the premises on which the materials are stored shall be responsible for disposal, or proper piling, of the materials.
   (c)   Elimination of Rodent-Feeding Places. No person, firm or corporation shall place, or allow to accumulate, any materials that may serve as a food for rodents in a site accessible to rodents. Any waste material that may serve as food for rodents shall be stored in rodent- proof containers. Feed for birds shall be placed on raised platforms, or such feed shall be placed where it is not accessible to rodents.
   (d)   Extermination. Whenever rodent holes, burrows or other evidence of rodent infestation are found on any premises or in any building within the Village of Edgar, it shall be the duty of the owner or manager of such property to exterminate the rodents or to cause the rodents to be exterminated. Within ten (10) days after extermination, the owner or manager shall cause all of the rodent holes or burrows in the ground to be filled with earth or other suitable material.
   (e)   Rodent-Proofing. It shall be the duty of the owner or manager of any building in the Village of Edgar to make such building reasonably rodent-proof, to replace broken basement windows and, when necessary, to cover the basement window openings with hardware cloth or other suitable material for preventing rodents from entering the building through such window openings.
Sec. 8-1-10 Composting Regulations.
   (a)   Purpose and Intent. The purpose of this Section is to promote the recycling of yard wastes and certain kitchen wastes through composting and to establish minimum standards for proper compost maintenance.
   (b)   Definitions. "Composting" shall mean the organic waste produced from the growing, trimming, and removal of grass, branches [not exceeding one (1) inch in diameter] bushes, shrubs, plants, leaves and garden debris. Kitchen waste shall be any uncooked plant matter not contaminated by or containing meat, fish and/or dairy products.
   (c)   Maintenance. All compost piles shall be maintained using approved composting procedures to comply with the following requirements:
      (1)   All compost piles shall be enclosed in a free standing compost bin. Each compost bin shall be no larger in volume than one hundred twenty-five (125) cubic feet, and shall be no taller than forty-two (42) inches.
      (2)   All compost bins shall be so maintained as to prevent the attraction or harborage of rodents and pests. The presence of rodents in or near a compost bin shall be cause for the Village to proceed under Section 8-1-9.
      (3)   All compost bins shall be so maintained as to prevent unpleasant odors.
      (4)   No compost bin shall be allowed to deteriorate to such condition as to be a blighting influence on the surrounding property or neighborhood or the Village in general.
      (5)   a.   All compost bins shall be located not less than six (6) feet from a property line or principal building or dwelling and three (3) feet from any detached accessory building.
         b.   A variance from these setback requirements may be applied for if the property owner(s) can show a hardship exists which prohibits compliance. In addition, any variance application must include a signed written approval of the variance request from the adjacent property owner(s). Variances can be granted by the Building Inspector on an annual basis upon the proper application being submitted by the property owner(s). Screening and/or fencing of compost bins may be required as a condition of a variance being granted.
      (6)   No compost bin shall be located in any yard except a rear yard. A compost bin may be located in a side yard subject to the annual variance procedure contained in Subsections (c)(5)b and must be screened from view to the street.
      (7)   Those composting bins which existed prior to the adoption of this Section shall be given one (1) year to comply with the requirements set forth herein.
   (d)   Ingredients.
      (1)   No compost bin shall contain any of the following:
         a.   Lakeweeds;
         b.   Cooked food scraps of any kind or type;
         c.   Fish, meat or other animal products;
         d.   Manures;
         e.   Large items that will impede the composting process.
      (2)   Permitted ingredients in a compost bin shall include the following:
         a.   Yard waste;
         b.   Coffee grounds and used tea leaves;
         c.   Uncooked plant matter not contaminated by or containing meat, fish, and/or dairy products;
         d.   Commercial compost additives.
   (e)   Owner Responsibility. Every owner or operator shall be responsible for maintaining all property under his or her control in accordance with the requirements of this Section.
   (f)   Municipal Exception. Any municipal composting site maintained by the Village of Edgar shall be exempt from the provisions of this Section.
Sec. 8-1-11 Discharge of Clear Waters.
   (a)   Discharge. No person shall cause, allow or permit any roof drain, surface drain, subsoil drain, gutter, ditch, pipe, conduit, or any other object or thing used for the purposes of collecting, conducting, transporting, diverting, draining or discharging clear water from any part of any private premises owned or occupied by said person to discharge into a sanitary sewer. Sump pumps and their discharge shall comply with Section 8-1-12.
   (b)   Nuisance. The discharge into a sanitary sewer from any roof drain, surface drain, subsoil drain, gutter, ditch, pipe, conduit, or any other object or thing used for the purposes of collecting, conducting, transporting, diverting, draining or discharging clear water from any part of any private premises is hereby declared to be a public nuisance and a hazard to the health, safety and well-being of the residents of the Village of Edgar and to the protection of the property.
   (c)   Storm Water. All roof drains, surface drains, gutters, pipe, conduits or any other objects or things used for the purpose of collecting, conducting, transporting, diverting, draining or discharging storm waters shall be discharged either to a storm sewer, a dry well, an underground conduit leading to a drainage ditch or onto the ground surface in such other manner as will not constitute a nuisance as defined herein.
   (d)   Storm Sewer Lateral. Where municipal storm sewers are provided and it is deemed necessary by the property owner and/or the Village to discharge clear waters from a parcel of land, a storm sewer lateral shall be installed and connected to the storm sewer main at the expense of the owner.
   (e)   Conducting Tests. If a designated Village agent suspects an illegal clear water discharge as defined by this Chapter or by any other applicable provision of the Wisconsin Administrative Code as it may, from time to time, be amended, he/she may, upon reasonable notice and at reasonable times, enter the private premises where such illegal clear water discharge is suspected and conduct appropriate tests to determine whether such suspected illegal clear water discharge actually exists. In addition, Village inspectors may inspect for illegal clear water discharges as a part of a routine inspection without cause.
Cross-Reference: Section 8-1-12.
Sec. 8-1-12 Sump Pump Discharge Regulated.
   (a)   Statement of Purpose. The Village Board finds that uncontrolled discharges of water from sump pumps, footing tiles, roofs, down spouts, eave troughs, yard drains, swimming pools, cistern overflows, and other means of transmitting natural precipitation and surface waters can overload the public sewerage system and contribute to flooding. Such overloading may result in sewage flowing into basements and/or residences and businesses, creating potentially hazardous public health and safety conditions and damage to properties. Such discharges into the public sewerage system increase system operating costs and maintenance. Furthermore, such uncontrolled discharges, particularly from sump pumps, can create frozen runoff onto public sidewalks and excess runoff from one lot to another.
   (b)   Prohibitions. It shall be unlawful for any owner, occupant or user of any premises to direct into or allow any stormwater, surface water, ground water, well water or other sources specified in Subsection (a) above to drain into or connect into the public sewerage system. No rain spout or other form of surface drainage, foundation drainage, or sump pump shall be connected to or discharged into the public sewerage system.
   (c)   Sump Pump Discharge System Required.
      (1)   Requirement For. Dwellings and other buildings and structures which require, because of infiltration of water into basements, crawl spaces, etc., the use of a sump pump system shall have a permanently installed discharge line which shall not at any time discharge into a sanitary sewer system.
      (2)   Discharge Line Requirements.
         a.   A "permanently installed discharge line" shall be one which provides for uninterupted year-around discharge capability to either an appropriate drainage area outside of the dwelling, building or structure, or is connected to the Village of Edgar storm sewer system.
         b.   The permanently installed discharge line shall consist of a rigid discharge line, without valving or quick connections for altering the path of discharge. This line shall not be capable of connection or reconnection to the public sewerage system. The discharge pipe shall be installed to the outside wall of the building with rigid pipe (plastic, copper, galvanized or black pipe), one (1) inch inside diameter minimum. If the discharge line is directly connected to a storm sewer line or catch basin, the discharge pipe shall have a check valve within one (1) foot of the floor grade, an air gap, and a union or other approved coupling for easy disconnection for repair or replacement. The point of discharge shall be a minimum of two (2) feet from the basement foundation wall and ten (10) feet from the property line.
         c.   Discharge water shall not create any icy condition on any pedestrian walkways within or adjacent to the premise's lot lines.
         d.   As an alternate method of installation with the approval of the Village, the discharge pipe may be connected directly to the Village's underground storm sewer system provided the discharge is at a higher elevation than the normal flow level and than an approved backflow prevention device is installed.
         e.   When a storm sewer is not or will not be available in the future, as determined by the Village, the sump pump shall discharge to grade and must satisfy all of the following provisions, unless otherwise authorized by the Public Works Department/Village Engineer:
            1.   The discharge pipe shall exit the building at one (I) foot above finished grade.
            2.   The point of discharge shall be a minimum of two (2) feet from a basement foundation wall and ten (I 0) feet from a property line.
            3.   The discharge shall flow parallel to or away from the nearest property line, and comply with the restrictions of Subsection (c)(2)c above.
   (d)   Foundation Drain Tile Systems. For buildings and residences constructed after the effective date of this Section, groundwater from foundation drain tile shall not discharge into the sanitary sewerage system. The building/residence shall have a drain tile placed around the inside or outside perimeter of the foundation connected to a sump pit. All baseboard seepage collection systems shall be discharged to the sump pit. The sump pit shall be located a minimum of ten (10) feet from an inside sanitary floor drain. Groundwater flowing through the tile and draining to a sump pit shall be discharged to the exterior of the structure with the use of a sump pump.
   (e)   Sump Pump Connection Required.
      (1)   Sump Pump Connections to Storm Sewer System.
         a.   Each owner of a platted lot where storm sewer laterals have been installed, or will be installed in the future pursuant to Village standards, shall be required to connect the building sump pump outlet directly to the storm sewer lateral as installed at the time of plat or certified survey map approval by the subdivider, or as subsequently installed by the Village pursuant to this Section or any other ordinance of the Village of Edgar. If a Village storm sewer system or Village drain tile system is available to the property, connection of said discharges to this system shall be mandatory.
         b.   Where no storm sewer is available or is not adequate to receive the anticipated flow (as determined by the Village) between the dates of November 15 and April 15 of the following year, the sump pump discharge shall drain onto the premises, not onto the roadway, curbing or sidewalk.
      (2)   Compliance Responsibility. It shall be the responsibility of the party who is issued a building permit to ensure that the sump pump discharge system from the building constructed on the property is installed underground from the building and is properly connected to the storm sewer laterals.
      (3)   Downspouts. No downspouts shall be connected to the storm sewer lateral, except with the approval of the Public Works Department, Village Engineer or Building Inspector for unique hazard mitigation, and then shall be limited to one (1) such connection only.
   (f)   Connection Orders; Inspections; Variances; Noncompliance.
      (1)   Connection Order. A connection order may be served, in person or by first class mail, upon either the owner of the property or its occupant. The order shall provide that connection to the storm sewer shall occur within thirty (30) days after order issuance and prohibited connections be discontinued, unless a written waiver or time extension request has been filed with the Public Works Department, Village Engineer or Building Inspector.
      (2)   Inspections.
         a.   Within thirty (30) days after notice from the Village of Edgar, the property owner shall contact the Village to schedule an inspection by a Village inspector of each building and the utility service lines located on such property. The purpose of this inspection is to confirm that there is no sump pump or other prohibited discharges into the public sewerage system. In lieu of having the Village inspect the property, the property owner may, at the owner's expense, furnish a certificate from a Wisconsin-licensed plumber, in a form acceptable to the Village, certifying that the property is in compliance with this Section.
         b.   The Village may periodically re-inspect any building or premise to determine compliance with this Section.
         c.   All new residences shall be required to have their sump pump system inspected and be in compliance with this Section prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
      (3)   Waiver.
         a.   The Public Works Department, Village Engineer or Building Inspector shall hear and decide requests for waivers or time extensions from the applicability of the provisions of this Section where strict enforcement would cause undue hardship because of circumstances unique to the individual property under consideration or which would cause a significant public health or safety problem. This may also include situations where it would not be practical, as determined by the Village, to correct an otherwise prohibited discharge to the public sewerage system.
         b.   Applications for a waiver or time extension shall be made within fifteen (15) days of receipt of a compliance order. Such application shall be addressed in writing to the Public Works Department, Village Engineer or Building Inspector. Applications shall, at a minimum, identify the subject property, the name of the property owner/applicant, and describe in detail what characteristics of the subject property create an undue hardship. Within a reasonable time, the Public Works Department, Village Engineer or Building Inspector shall make a decision on the request, providing a copy of such decision to the applicant in writing. Upon approval of an application for a waiver or time extension, a property owner shall be allowed to discharge directly into the sewerage system for a limited time specified in the written determination and in accordance with other terms and conditions specified.
      (4)   Penalties.
         a.   A penalty surcharge of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) per month shall be imposed on every sewer service bill to a property owner who:
            1.   Is not in compliance with this Section;
            2.   Has not obtained an inspection required by this Section or refuses property inspections required under this Section;
            3.   Has not made necessary corrections within the time specified; or
            4.   Is otherwise not in compliance with this Section.
         b.   The surcharge shall be added every month thereafter for properties not in compliance with this Section until the property owner submits appropriate proof to the Village that the property has been brought into full compliance, with verification by Village inspection. Any property found during any re-inspection to be in violation of this Section shall be subject to the surcharge for all months between the two (2) most recent inspections. If the surcharge is not paid, the Village reserves the right to assess the property the unpaid balance as a special charge under the Wisconsin Statutes.
         c.   In addition to the penalty surcharge, a citation may also be issued for violations, with all court costs payable by the property owner.