Sec. 5-2-5 Firefighters May Enter Adjacent Property.
   (a)   Entering Adjacent Property. It shall be lawful for any firefighter while acting under the direction of the Fire Chief or any other officer in command to enter upon the premises adjacent to or in the vicinity of a building or other property then on fire for the purpose of extinguishing such fire and in case any person shall hinder, resist or obstruct any firefighter in the discharge of his/her duty as is hereinbefore provided, the person so offending shall be deemed guilty of resisting firefighters in the discharge of their duty.
   (b)   Destruction of Property to Prevent the Spread of Fire. During the progress of any fire, the Fire Chief or his/her assistant shall have the power to order the removal or destruction of any property necessary to prevent the further spread of fire; provided that it is inevitable that, unless such property is removed, other property is in danger of being destroyed by fire.