Chapter 3
Fire Prevention Code; Emergency Responses
   5-3-1   Adoption of Fire Prevention Codes
   5-3-2   Disclosure of Hazardous Material and Infectious Agents; Reimbursement for Cleanup of Spills
   5-3-3   Fees for Extraordinary Services; Hazardous Material Incident Response Reimbursement
   5-3-4   Cost Recovery for Extinguishing and Cleaning Up Fires
   5-3-5   Smoke and/or Heat Detectors Required in Rental Dwelling Units
   5-3-6   False Alarms
   5-3-7   Open Burning
   5-3-8   Patio Fireplaces
   5-3-9   Banning and/or Regulating the Use of Fire, Burning Materials and Fireworks During the Existing of Extreme Fire Danger
   5-3-10   Outdoor Detached Energy and Heating Systems
   5-3-11   Portable Commercial Cooking Equipment
   5-3-12   Fire Suppression Systems
   5-3-13   Private Fire Service Mains
   5-3-14   Rapid Entry System (Knox Box)
   5-3-15   Damage Involving Emergency Vehicles