Sec. 5-2-3    Police Power of the Department; Investigation of Fires; Fire Inspections.
   (a)   Police Authority at Fires.
      (1)   Police Power at Fire Sites. The Fire Chief or Incident Commander in command at any fire are hereby vested with full and complete police authority at fires. Any officer of the Fire Department may cause the arrest of any person failing to give the right-of-way to the Fire Department in responding to a fire.
      (2)   Safety Limits. The Fire Chief or Incident Commander may prescribe certain safety limits in the vicinity of any fire within which no persons, excepting firefighters and police officers and those admitted by order of any officer of the Fire Department, shall be permitted to come.
      (3)   Removal of Property. The Fire Chief or Incident Commander shall have the power to cause the removal of any property whenever it shall become necessary for the preservation of such property from fire or to prevent the spreading of fire or to protect the adjoining property, and during the progress of any fire he/she shall have the power to cause the removal of all wires or other facilities and the turning off of all electricity or other services where the same impedes the work of the Fire Department during the progress of a fire.
   (b)   Fire Inspection Duties.
      (1)   Fire Inspection Duties. The Fire Chief shall be the Fire Inspector of the Village of Edgar and shall have the power to appoint one or more deputy Fire Inspectors and shall perform all duties required of the Fire Inspectors by the laws of the State, particularly Sec. 101.14, Wis. Stats., and administrative rules of the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services (SPS).
      (2)   Right of Entry. While acting as Fire Inspector pursuant to Sec. 101.14(2), Wis. Stats., the Fire Chief, or any officer of the Edgar Volunteer Fire Department, or other qualified person designated by the Fire Chief, shall have the right and authority to enter any building or upon any premises in the Village of Edgar at all reasonable hours for the purpose of making inspections or investigations which, under the provisions of this Code of Ordinances, he/she may deem necessary. Should the Fire Inspector find that any provisions of this Code of Ordinances relating to fire hazards and prevention of fires are being violated, or that a fire hazard exists which should be eliminated, it shall be the Fire Inspector's duty to give such directions for the abatement of such conditions as he/she shall deem necessary and, if such directions are not complied with, to issue a citation.
      (3)   Required Fire Prevention Inspections. The Fire Chief is required, by himself/herself or by officers or members of the Fire Department designated by him/her as fire inspectors, to inspect all buildings, premises and public thoroughfares, except the interiors of private dwellings, for the purpose of ascertaining and causing to be corrected any conditions liable to cause fire, or any violations of any law or ordinance relating to the fire hazard or to the prevention of fires. Such inspections shall be made at least once per calendar year, provided the interval between those inspections shall not exceed fifteen (15) months. Additional inspections may be required as deemed necessary by the Fire Chief or Fire Inspector.
      (4)   Fire Inspection Reports. Written reports of fire inspections shall be made and kept on file in the office of the Chief of the Fire Department in the manner and form required by the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services.
   (c)   Fire Inspectors Handbook. The Fire Inspectors' Handbook, SPS is hereby adopted and made part of this Code of Ordinances by references.
State Law Reference: Sec. 101.14(2), Wis. Stats.