Sec. 14-1-71    Specifications for Construction and Dedication of Streets and Roads.
   (a)   General Requirements.
      (1)   Construction Standards.
         a.   All roadway construction and materials used shall be performed in accordance with the construction methods as listed in the appropriate sections of the "State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction" and its supplements, the Village of Edgar Engineering Guidelines (if such Guidelines are adopted by the Village Board), and this Chapter, whichever is more restrictive.
         b.   The design requirements of this Article and Section 14-1-70 shall be applicable to all streets and roads that are to be dedicated to the Village of Edgar, regardless of whether such streets or roads are part of a new subdivision or land division.
         c.   Design requirements for the pavement shall be adequate for the zoning classification of the area served by the subject street. A street which divides areas with different zoning classifications shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of the area requiring the higher quality pavement. Any variation of this must have prior approval of the Village Engineer.
         d.   Combination concrete curb and gutter is required on all streets, unless the Village Board has made an express exception to permit a rural-type street cross-section with ditch drainage. [Refer to the Subsection (g)(l6) below describing requirements for curbs and gutters.] A copy of all design assumptions and computations on which the proposed design is based shall be submitted to the Village Board.
      (2)   Project Costs. All roadway surveys, dedications, plans and specifications and construction will be at the expense of the Subdivision, Condominium or Certified Survey Map Developer (as applicable). This includes any expense incurred by the Village in the preparation of plans and review and inspection of plans and construction.
      (3)   Preliminary Consultation. Prior to the design, preparation and construction of any roadway to be dedicated to the Village of Edgar, the Subdivision, Condominium or Certified Survey Map Developer (as applicable) shall notify the Village Engineer. An on-site meeting will then be arranged to be attended by the Village Engineer and the Subdivision, Condominium or Certified Survey Map Developer (as applicable). Plans must be provided in order for the Village Engineer to check the design and the drainage.
      (4)   Material Slips. Copies of material slips for all materials furnished for the road construction projects shall be delivered to the Village before the Village approves the final construction.
      (5)   Required Inspections. Prior to the commencement of any street construction, the subdivider shall notify the Village Engineer, at least one (1) workday in advance, as to the nature of the work being done. The Village Engineer shall be contacted for required inspections before and after the following phases of construction:
         a.   Subbase grading;
         b.   Crushed aggregate base course;
         c.   Concrete gutters, curbs and sidewalks;
         d.   Bituminous surface course; and
         e.   Shouldering.
   Any deficiencies found by the Village Engineer shall be corrected before proceeding to the next phase of construction.
      (6)   Tests of Materials. The Village of Edgar reserves the right to obtain a sample of the roadway base material prior to placement on the roadway for purposes of determining whether the material meets gradation and soundness requirements.
      (7)   Pavement Samples. Samples of bituminous concrete may be taken by the Village during pavement construction operations for purposes of determining that the material meets specifications.
   (b)   Roadway Elevations; Interval Floods. Elevations of roadways passing through floodplain areas shall be designed in the following manner:
      (1)   Arterial Streets. Freeways and arterial streets and highways shall be designed so they will not be overtopped by the 100-year recurrence interval flood.
      (2)   Collector Streets. Collector streets shall be designed so they will not be overtopped by the SO-year recurrence interval flood.
      (3)   Local Streets. Local streets shall be designed so they will not be overtopped by the 25-year recurrence interval flood.
   (c)   New and Replacement Bridges and Culverts.
      (1)   Applicable Standards. All new and replacement bridges shall be constructed in accordance with all applicable Wisconsin Statutes and state regulations, and shall be submitted to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to ensure compliance therewith.
      (2)   Waterway Bridges. All new and replacement bridges and culverts over perennial waterways, including pedestrian and other minor bridges, in addition to meeting other applicable requirements, shall be designed so as to accommodate the 100-year recurrence interval flood event without raising the peak stage, either upstream or downstream, more than 0.01 foot above the peak stage for the 100-year recurrence interval flood:
         a.   Larger permissible flood stage increases may be acceptable for reaches having topographic land use conditions which could accommodate the increased stage without creating additional flood damage potential upstream or downstream of the proposed structure.
         b.   Such bridges and culverts shall be so designed and constructed as to facilitate the passage of ice flows and other debris.
   (d)   Street Grades.
      (1)   Generally. Street grades shall be established wherever practicable so as to avoid excessive grading, the promiscuous removal of ground cover and tree growth, and general leveling of the topography.
      (2)   Changes in Street Grade. All changes in street grades shall be connected by vertical curves of a minimum length equivalent in feet to fifteen (15) times the algebraic difference in the rates of grade for arterial streets, and one-half this minimum for all other streets.
      (3)   Maximum Centerline Grades. Unless necessitated by exceptional topography subject to the approval of the Village Board, upon the recommendation of the Village Engineer, the maximum centerline grade of any street or public way shall not exceed the following:
         a.   Arterial and collector streets: Six percent (6%).
         b.   Minor streets, alleys and frontage streets: Eight percent (8%).
         c.   Bicycle paths: Five percent (5%) and meeting all applicable guidelines and standards promulgated by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) in its Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities, most recent addition.
         d.   Pedestrian ways: Eight percent (8%) and meeting all applicable Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) "Accessibility Guidelines."
         e.   Equestrian trails: Eight percent (8%).
      (4)   Maximum Grade. The grade of any street shall in no case exceed twelve percent (12%) or be less than one-half of one percent (0.5%).
      (5)   Grade Variations. Street grades may be varied as provided for in Subsection (e)(3) above.
   (e)   Radii of Curvature.
      (1)   Standards. When a continuous street centerline deflects at any one (I) point by more than ten (10) degrees, a circular curve shall be introduced having a radius of curvature on said centerline of not less than the following:
         a.   Arterial streets and highways: Five hundred (500) feet.
         b.   Collector streets: Three hundred (300) feet.
         c.   Minor streets: One hundred (100) feet.
         d.   Rural and suburban streets: May be less than one hundred (100) feet in environmentally-sensitive areas as determined by the Village Board, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission.
      (2)   Reverse Curve Tangents. A tangent at least one hundred (100) feet in length shall be provided between reverse curves on arterial and collector streets.
   (f)   Half-Streets. Where an existing dedicated or platted half-street is adjacent to the tract being subdivided by either a Subdivision Plat or Certified Survey Map, the other half of the street shall be dedicated by the Subdivider or Condominium Developer (as applicable). The platting of new half-streets shall not be permitted.
   (g)   Construction Standards. All streets and highways constructed in the Village or to be dedicated to the Village shall fully comply with the following construction standards, and shall be adequate for the zoning classification or projected use of the area served by the street:
      (1)   General Requirements; Building Permit Issuance. After completion of the underground utilities and approval thereof, the streets shall be constructed. Unless phasing of construction of improvements is approved by the Village Board or its designee, building permits shall not be issued prior to the installation of the street improvements and the approval of an individual lot grading plan that conforms to the guidelines of the master site grading plan, as determined by the Village Engineer, or his/her designee.
      (2)   Street Right-of-Ways. Streets shall have a right-of-way width as established on the Official Map or as designated in Section 14-1-71(t), provided, however, that a greater or lesser roadway width may be required by the Village Engineer where necessary to assure uniformity along the entire length of any street.
      (3)   Temporary Streets. Construction of temporary streets shall require authorization of the Village Board, upon the recommendation of the Village Engineer.
      (4)   Standard Street Improvements.
         a.   Standard street improvements shall include street lights, concrete curb and gutter, base course, bituminous base course, bituminous surface course and, when required, walkways.
         b.   The construction of standard street improvements can begin only when either:
            1.   The underground utilities were installed in the previous construction season; or
            2.   The construction of underground utilities included mechanical compaction and compaction tests have been approved by the Village Engineer.
         c.   Upon obtaining the written approval of the Village Engineer the Subdivision, Condominium or Certified Survey Map Developer (as applicable) can proceed with the construction of the standard street improvements. Standard street improvements shall be installed to the boundary line of the subdivision unless the street culminates in a cul-de-sac, the topography or other physical conditions make it impossible to do so, or unless this requirement is waived, in writing, by the Village Engineer.
      (5)   Phasing of Paving. Where he/she deems appropriate, the Village Engineer may require that pavement construction take place over a two (2) year period, with the lower coat being placed in the same year as the underground utilities are constructed and with the upper coat being placed in the following year, after thorough cleaning and application of a tack coat to the first coat.
      (6)   Roadway Base Standards.
         a.   After the installation of temporary block corners monuments by the Subdivision, Condominium or Certified Survey Map Developer (as applicable) and approval of street grades by the Village Engineer, the Subdivision, Condominium or Certified Survey Map Developer (as applicable) shall grade the full width of the right-of-way of all streets proposed to be dedicated in accordance with plans and standard specifications approved by the Village Board, upon the recommendation of the Village Engineer.
         b.   Cut and filled lands shall be graded to a maximum slope of one (1) on four (4) or the soils angle of repose, whichever is the lesser and covered with permanent vegetation.
         c.   Residential streets shall have a minimum eight (8) inch thick, compacted in-place, crushed limestone aggregate base, gradation No. 2, conforming to requirements of Section 304 - Crushed Aggregate Base Course of "State of Wisconsin, Standard Specifications For Road and Bridge Construction," latest edition, which conforms to following gradation specifications:
Sieve Size
Percentage Passing by Weight
         d.   On commercial, arterial or other heavy-use streets, as determined by the Village Engineer, a ten (10) inch minimum depth crushed limestone aggregate base course, gradation No. 2, shall be constructed upon an inspected and approved subgrade conforming to the specifications in Subsection (b)(5)c above.
         e.   In the case of commercial, arterial or other heavy-use roads, the Village Board may, in the alternative to the above standards, have the Village Engineer provide specifications for such roads after researching the site(s) and conducting a soil analysis for separate pavement design analysis.
         f.   In any case. the Village Board shall have the sole discretion in determining the use and construction classification to be adhered to.
         g.   In all cases, the base course shall be compacted to the extent necessary to produce a condition so that there will be no appreciable displacement of material laterally and longitudinally under traffic and shall conform to line, grades and shape shown on the approved plans, profiles and cross sections.
         h.   The Subdivision, Condominium or Certified Survey Map Developer (as applicable) shall furnish drawings which indicate the proposed grades of streets shown on the plat and, after approval of those grades by the Village Engineer and adoption by the Village Board, the streets shall be graded to full width of the right-of-way of the proposed street to the subgrade elevations shown on the typical cross-section.
         i.   All stumps and trees which cannot be saved, boulders and other similar items shall be removed by the Subdivision, Condominium or Certified Survey Map Developer (as applicable).
      (7)   Roadway Subgrade Quality. If deemed necessary by the Village Engineer, tests may be required according to the following standards:
         a.   All subgrade material shall meet standards required by the Village Engineer. Inferior subgrade material shall be removed and replaced with a suitable fill material, or the pavement must be designed to compensate for the soil conditions.
         b.   Stable and nonorganic sub-base material is required. All topsoil shall be first removed. In addition, all subsoils which have a high shrink-swell potential, low- bearing capacity when wet, or are highly elastic shall be removed to a minimum depth of fifteen (15) inches below the top of the subgrade and used outside of the right-of-way. Where both subsoil and substratum have a high shrink-swell potential and low-bearing capacity when wet, an underdrain system shall be installed to remove water from the sub-base. Unstable and organic material must be subcut, removed and replaced with a suitable granular material placed over a geotextile fabric laid on top of the subgrade. Granular material shall be approved by Village Engineer. Geotextile material shall be Type SAS material.
      (8)   Roadway Grading; Ditches. Roads shall be graded to their full width in accordance with approved plans, plus an additional distance necessary to establish a four-to-one (4:1) backslope where ditches are allowed by the Village Board. The roadway shall be compacted and graded to a subgrade using, where necessary, approved fill material in accordance with Wisconsin Department of Transportation standards. Roadside ditches, where allowed by the Village, shall be a minimum of twenty-six (26) inches below the finished roadway centerline elevation, or as approved by the Village Engineer. Debris may not be buried in the designated road right-of-way. Roadway ditches shall have a normal slope ratio of three-to-one (3:1) ditch from the edge of the shoulder to the bottom of the ditch and two-to-one (2:1) on the back slope.
      (9)   Pavement Thickness.
         a.   Local residential and rural-type roads shall have a minimum of three and one-half (3-1/2) inches thick compacted hot-mix asphalt concrete pavement, placed in two (2) lifts - a binder course of two (2) inches thick and a surface course of one and one-half (1-1/2) inch. Fiber shall be added to the asphalt in the manner directed by the Village Engineer.
         b.   On commercial, arterial or other heavy-use roads, there shall be a minimum of four (4) inches of bituminous concrete pavement, placed in two (2) layers - a binder course of two and one-half (2-1/2) inches thick and a surface course of one and one-half (1-1/2) inches thick.
         c.   The binder course being placed initially upon completion of the utilities, and the surface course being placed within one (1) year after the date the binder course was placed. Said surfacing shall be done in accordance with plans and standard specifications approved by the Village Coard, upon the recommendation of the Village Engineer.
         d.   In the case of commercial, arterial or other heavy-use roads, the Village Board may, in the alternative to the above standards, have the Village Engineer provide specifications for paving such roads with a greater thickness after researching the site(s) and conducting a soil analysis. In any case, the Village Board shall have the sole discretion in determining the use and construction classification to be adhered to. In no event shall paving occur later than eighteen (18) months from the Village's approval of the Final Plat or Certified Survey Map.
         e.   The final lift will be installed after all utility construction and grading are completed and heavy truck and construction equipment traffic on the new street is minimal.
         f.   All subsequent shouldering where ditches are allowed shall be brought to even grade with the bituminous mat.
      (10)   Shoulder Width -   Rural Profile Streets.
         a.   A shoulder a minimum of four (4) feet wide on each side of the road is required where curb and gutter is not used, and wider when required by the Village Engineer or the "Town Road Standards" as noted in Sec. 86.26, Wis. Stats.
         b.   Where ditches are allowed by the Village Board, road shoulders shall have a minimum thickness of two and one-half (2-1/2) inches of compacted in-place crushed state-approved aggregate base course, over a minimum six (6) inches of compacted in-place crushed state-approved aggregate base course, except that shoulder thickness shall match the thickness of the pavement, provided that there is a minimum shoulder thickness of six (6) inches.
      (11)   Roadway Culverts and Bridges.
         a.   Roadway culverts and bridges shall be constructed as directed by the Village Engineer and sized utilizing the methods listed in Chapter 13, entitled "Drainage," of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation's Facilities Development Manual. All roadway culverts shall be provided with concrete or metal apron endwalls.
         b.   The Subdivision, Condominium or Certified Survey Map Developer (as applicable) shall provide adequate facilities to provide surface water drainage as well as free flow outlets for subsurface drain tile where they are required. Where drainage facilities will aid in road construction and the stabilization of the road's subgrade, drainage facilities shall be installed before road construction is started.
      (12)   Driveways.
         a.   Curbs shall not be interrupted by openings for driveways or other accessways to private property unless the number and location of such interruptions have been approved pursuant to Title 6, Chapter 3 of this Code of Ordinances.
         b.   Driveway specifications shall be as prescribed in Title 6, Chapter 3 of this Code of Ordinances.
         c.   Driveway culverts shall be sized by the Public Works Department or Village Engineer (if appropriate). The culverts shall be placed in the ditch line at elevations that will assure proper drainage, and they shall be provided with concrete, metal or landscape timber endwalls. Driveway culverts shall be installed as prescribed in Title 6, Chapter 3 of this Code of Ordinances.
      (13)   Topsoil, Grass, Seed, Fertilizer and Mulch. All disturbed areas (ditches, backslopes) within the road right-of-way not provided with pavement and shouldering material shall be restored utilizing four (4) inches of topsoil and good quality grass seed, fertilizer and mulch. Ditches along the roadway shall be protected by erosion control materials such as hay bales, sod, erosion control mats, etc.
      (14)   Drainage Improvements. In the case of all new roads and streets, the Village Engineer may require that storm water retention areas and storm sewers be constructed in order to provide for proper drainage.
      (15)   Continuity and Transitions.
         a.   All street pavement widths on streets continued from previously developed or platted streets shall, wherever practical, provide for the greater of either the existing or required pavement type, width, grade and cross slope.
         b.   Where it is necessary to provide for a transition of pavement width and/or type between new and existing streets, the transition shall occur in a safe manner at an intersection. In the event a transition in pavement width cannot safety occur at an intersection, it shall not occur closer than two hundred fifty (250) feet to the intersection of right-of-way lines. In width transitions, the ratio of the transition length to width shall not be less than fifteen to one (15:1) unless the Village Engineer determines that special circumstances prevent use of such ratio, in which case the minimum transition ratio shall be ten to one (10:1).
      (16)   Curb and Gutter. Combination concrete curb and gutter is required on all streets, except where the Village Board has made an express exception to permit a rural-type street cross-section with ditch drainage. Curb and gutter in residential areas shall be either barrier type or mountable type. Barrier type curb and gutter shall have a six (6) inch barrier curb with a twenty-four (24) inch flag; except at driveway aprons where a depressed curb shall be constructed. Mountable type curb and gutter shall have been thirty (30) inches wide with an eighteen (18) inch flag. The top of the back of the mountable curb shall be three (3) inches above the gutter flowline. Depress curb shall be constructed at all handicap ramps for sidewalks and bikeways. Said curb and gutter shall be constructed of concrete, 3500 PSI strength at twenty- eight (28) days. Expansion joints one-half (1/2) inch thick shall be placed in the curb at each starting and ending of a radius and at intervals not exceeding three hundred (300) feet and where otherwise directed by the Village Engineer. Tie bars shall be provided where curb and gutter is adjacent to rigid pavements. The standards of Section 14-1-54 shall also be complied with, whichever is more restrictive.
      (17)   Post-Construction Traffic Limited. No vehicular traffic shall be permitted on the pavement for a minimum period of between twenty-four (24) and seventy-two (72) hours following paving, as determined necessary by the Village Engineer to protect the new pavement.
   (h)   Final Inspection. Upon completion of proposed streets, the Village Engineer will proceed to make a final inspection, accepting or rejecting the street as the case may be. After all of the provisions of this Chapter have been complied with, the street will be inspected by Village officials and, at that time, proof will be made by the presenting of waivers of liens or receipted bills that all work that has been done has been paid for, or arrangements have been made for the payment through written instrument by the Subdivision, Condominium or Certified Survey Map Developer (as applicable). If the street is rejected, corrections shall be made as required by the Village Board, upon the Village Engineer's recommenda- tion, before final inspection can then be made again. If final acceptance is then made, the owner or owners shall dedicate to the Village all land necessary for streets. The Village may require an unsecured warranty regarding the fitness of street improvements after the expiration of the fourteen (14) month security.