Sec. 14-1-65 Soil Erosion and Sediment Control.
The Subdivider or Condominium Developer (as applicable) shall plant those grasses, trees, and vines, the species and size, as approved by the Village Board, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, necessary to prevent soil erosion and sedimentation. The Subdivider or Condominium Developer (as applicable) shall also comply with Title 15, Chapter 2 "Construction Site Erosion Control" of the Village of Edgar Code of Ordinances as amended, whichever is most restrictive. In addition:
   (a)   Installation of Protection and Rehabilitation Measures. The Village Board, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, shall require the Subdivider or Condominium Developer (as applicable) to provide or install certain protection and rehabilitation measures to prevent soil erosion and sedimentation, such as fencing, sloping, seeding, rip-rap, revetments, jetties, clearing, dredging, snagging, drop structures, brush mats, willow poles, and grade stabilization structures.
   (b)   Tree Cutting and Shrubbery Clearing Limitations. Tree cutting and shrubbery clearing shall not exceed the limitations set forth in Section 14-1-53(d) and Article I of this Chapter for natural resource features protection, the approved Landscape Plan for the property as described in Section 14-1-44, and shall be so conducted as to prevent erosion and sedimentation; preserve and improve scenic qualities; and, during foliation, substantially screen any development from stream or lake users.
   (c)   Maximum Width of Paths and Trails in Wooded and Wetland Areas. Paths and trails in wooded and wetland areas shall not exceed ten (10) feet in width unless otherwise approved by the Village Board, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, and shall be so designed and constructed as to result in the least removal and disruption of trees and shrubs and the minimum impairment of natural beauty.
   (d)   Earth Moving. Earth moving: such as grading, topsoil removal, mineral extraction, stream course changing, road cutting, waterway construction or enlargement, removal of stream or lake bed materials, excavation, channel, clearing, ditching, drain tile laying, dredging, and lagooning, shall be so conducted as to prevent soil erosion and sedimentation and to minimize the disturbance of the natural fauna, flora, water course, water regimen, and topography [see Section 14-1-53(d)].
   (e)   Topsoil Preservation. Topsoil moved during the course of construction shall be redistributed on all pervious regraded surfaces so as to provide adequate topsoil to cover all previous disturbed areas of the Subdivision, Certified Survey Map, or Condominium and shall be stabilized to prevent soil erosion by seeding or planting as determined by the Village Board or designee.
   (f)   Slope and Terrace Protection. Areas of cuts, fills, and terraces shall be landscaped sufficiently to prevent soil erosion in accordance with plans and standard specifications approved by the Village Engineer.