§ 151.099 INSPECTION.
   (A)   All required improvements shall be inspected by the City Engineer during construction at the expense of the subdivider. The contract shall contain a provision for supervision of details of construction by the City Engineer and shall grant to the Engineer the authority to correlate the work to be done under such contract by any subcontractor authorized to proceed thereunder with any other work being done or contracted by the city in the vicinity.
   (B)   When the plans of streets and other improvements have been approved as provided in this chapter, the subdivider shall first notify the Clerk/Treasurer of its intention to proceed with the construction or installation of said streets and improvements. Notification shall be made at least 24 hours before any such construction or installation shall commence so as to give the city an opportunity to inspect the site prior to commencement of work and to inspect installation or construction of said streets and improvements during the course of work being performed.
(Prior Code, § 536.100)