§ 151.097 TREES.
   (A)   Trees shall be planted along the streets at a maximum spacing of 50 feet. The location and types of trees must meet the approval of the Council. All such trees shall have a trunk diameter, measured at a point three feet above ground level, of two and one-half inches.
   (B)   The following tree varieties shall not be planted or maintained in street rights-of-way:
      (1)   Box elder;
      (2)   Willow;
      (3)   Cottonwood;
      (4)   Aspen;
      (5)   Elm;
      (6)   Catalpa;
      (7)   Walnut;
      (8)   Mountain Ash;
      (9)   Hawthorn;
      (10)   Poplar (any variety); or
      (11)   Nut or fruit-bearing trees.
(Prior Code, § 536.080)