§ 151.051 FINAL PLAT.
   (A)   The final plat shall be drawn at a scale no smaller than 100 feet to one inch. The overall size of the sheets shall be as required by the County Recorder. An 11-inch by 17-inch reduced print of each final plat sheet shall also be submitted.
   (B)   The final plat shall show:
      (1)   Subdivision name, name, and address of owner and subdivider, legal description of the property, graphic scale, north point, date, and certificate of approval of Planning Commission and Council;
      (2)   Survey data with certification by a registered professional engineer or land surveyor, showing:
         (a)   Calculated distances and bearings of the subdivision boundaries, lots, utility easements, streets, alleys, building set back lines, and parcels of reserved or dedicated land for community purposes;
         (b)   Location and distances to the nearest established street corners or official monuments, and of the street intersecting the boundaries of the subdivision;
         (c)   Location, type, material, and size of monuments;
         (d)   Complete curve data; and
         (e)   Lot numbers and street names.
      (3)   Limitations of easements and restrictions which will run with the land and become covenants in the deeds for lots; and
      (4)   Certificate of dedication of streets and other public property.
   (E)   The final plat submitted to the city shall be accompanied by a certified check or money order in an amount as established by the City Council.
(Prior Code, § 534.020)