(A)   The following maps and data shall be submitted with the application for preliminary plat approval. These maps and data may be on separate sheets or combined on one sheet, depending on the size and complexity of the proposed subdivision.
   (B)   The overall size of the sheets shall be 24 inches by 36 inches (60 cm by 90 cm). An 11-inch by 17-inch reduced print of each plan and plat shall also be submitted.
      (1)   A location map of the proposed subdivision showing:
         (a)   Location within the city;
         (b)   Zoning of the tract and adjacent properties; and
         (c)   Existing related streets including the distance therefrom.
      (2)   A preliminary plat of the proposed subdivision and all lands within 300 feet of its boundaries drawn at a scale no smaller than 100 feet to each inch showing:
         (a)   Subdivision name;
         (b)   Names and addresses of owner and subdivider and the name of the engineer or surveyor who prepared the plan;
         (c)   Contours of the site at vertical intervals of two feet if the general slope is less than 10% and at intervals of five feet if the general slope is greater than 10%;
         (d)   Character and location of natural or artificial features existing on the land which would affect the design of the subdivision, such as wooded areas, streams, direction, and gradient of ground slope, embankments, retaining walls, buildings, or nonresidential usage of land;
         (e)   A mailing list of all property owners within 350 feet adjacent to the subdivision;
         (f)   Street pattern, including the names (which shall not duplicate existing streets in the city unless, it is an extension of an existing street), widths of rights-of-way of streets, widths of easements for alleys;
         (g)   Existing and proposed streets, highways, and rights-of-way, including dedicated widths, roadway widths, types, and widths of pavements, curbs, and sidewalks;
         (h)   Layouts of lots, including dimensions, numbers, building set back lines, or front yard lines;
         (i)   Utility locations of sanitary sewers, storm sewers, drainage facilities, or water lines;
         (j)   Existing and proposed easements, including widths and purposes;
         (k)   Tract boundary lines by calculated distances and bearings;
         (l)   Parcels of land to be dedicated or served for schools, parks, playgrounds, or other public or community use;
         (m)   Areas subject to periodic overflow of flood or stormwater; and
         (n)   Title, legend, notes graphic scale, north point, and date.
      (3)   A feasibility study for the proposed subdivision indicating: a report on the feasibility of connection to an existing storm sewer, water, and sanitary sewage system, including distances to the nearest public sewer, water and storm sewer, service load of the subdivision, and capacity of treatment plants;
      (4)   A draft of the protective covenants or private restrictions, if available, to be incorporated in the final subdivision plat.
(Prior Code, § 533.020)