(A)   Generally. Any preliminary plat of a proposed subdivision deemed premature for development shall be denied by the City Council.
   (B)   Conditions establishing premature subdivisions. A subdivision may be deemed premature should any of the conditions set forth in the provisions which follow exist.
      (1)   Lack of adequate water supply. A proposed subdivision shall be deemed to lack an adequate water supply if the proposed subdivision, if developed to its maximum permissible density, does not have adequate sources of water to serve the proposed subdivision without causing an unreasonable depreciation of existing water supplies for surrounding areas.
      (2)   Lack of adequate waste disposal systems. A proposed subdivision shall be deemed to lack adequate waste disposal systems if there is inadequate sewer capacity in the present system to support the subdivision if developed to its maximum permissible density after reasonable sewer capacity is reserved for schools, planned public facilities, and commercial and industrial development projected for the next five years. Expected wastewater generation rates applicable to a proposed subdivision shall be based on generally accepted generation computation formulas as assigned by the City Engineer.
      (3)   Inconsistency with Comprehensive Plan. A subdivision shall be deemed premature if it is found to be inconsistent with the purposes, objectives, and recommendations of the duly adopted Comprehensive Plan of the city, as may be amended from time to time.
   (C)   Burden of establishing. The burden shall be upon the applicant to show that the proposed subdivision is not premature.
(Prior Code, § 531.090)