Golf carts shall not be operated on the public streets, roads and highways within the town or on any property owned or leased by the town except in full compliance with the provisions of this section.
   (A)   Hours of operation. 
      (1)   Daytime operation. Except as otherwise provided by ordinance, including division (A)(3) below of this section, or applicable law, golf carts may be driven on approved public roads, streets and highways within the town or on any property owned or leased by the town from sunrise until sunset; and
      (2)   Nighttime operation. Except as otherwise provided by ordinance, including division (A)(3) below of this section, or applicable law, a golf cart may be driven on approved public roads, streets and highways within the town or on any property owned or leased by the town between sunset and sunrise if the golf cart is equipped with the following equipment, all of which must be visible for a distance of not less than 500 feet:
         (a)   Two operating headlights, each having at least a 55 watt halogen, or equal, bulb, one on either side of the front of the golf cart;
         (b)   Two operating tail lights, one on either side of the rear of the golf cart; and
         (c)   Four operational mechanical turn signal lights, one on each corner of the golf cart.
      (3)   No operation if poor visibility. Notwithstanding the provisions of divisions (A)(1) and (2), above, golf carts may not be operated when fog, smog, smoke or other conditions reduce visibility so that the golf cart is not visible for a distance of at least 500 feet.
   (B)   Streets. Golf carts may not be operated on any of the following streets or sections of any street except for the sole purpose of crossing such street at a right angle and either at a signalized intersection or at a perpendicular crossing at a through intersection:
      (1)   Any street where the posted speed limit is more than 35 miles per hour, or
      (2)   Broad Street, North of Queen St., or
      (3)   Queen Street (NCHwy 17 bus), or
      (4)   East Church Street (NCHwy 32), or
      (5)   Virginia Road.
   (C)   Motor vehicle laws.
      (1)   All laws, regulations, and ordinances, including, but not limited to, traffic rules and regulations, regarding the use of motor vehicles in the State of North Carolina and all ordinances regarding the use of motor vehicles in the town, not inconsistent therewith shall be observed, except that no golf cart may be operated at a speed in excess of 20 miles per hour or at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent for existing conditions.
      (2)   No golf cart containing any open container of alcohol shall be operated on public street, road or highway within the town or on any property owned or leased by the town.
   (D)   Travel and right-of-way. Golf carts must be operated at the right edge of the public street, road or highway within the town and shall yield the right-of-way to:
      (1)   All vehicular and bicycle traffic, including that of overtaking vehicles or bicycles, and
      (2)   Pedestrians.
   (E)   Town property and sidewalks. Golf carts shall not be operated on any sidewalk, pedestrian walkway, jogging path, greenway, park, and trail except for official police business or by town personnel while on town business. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, golf carts shall not be operated on property owned or leased by the town except with the express written consent of the Town Administrator and/or the Police Chief and upon the terms and conditions as may be set forth in such written permission.
   (F)   Golf cart seating and capacity.
      (1)   The manufacturer's seating capacity (normally no more than four passengers) shall not be exceeded.
      (2)   No person may ride on any part of a golf cart not designed to carry seated passengers, including, but not limited to, that part of the golf cart designed to carry golf bags.
      (3)   Each person who is riding on or in a golf cart must be seated in a seat that is designed to carry a person.
   (G)   No commercial purposes. Golf carts may not be used as a taxicab or bus or for the commercial carrying of passengers or the hauling of freight.
   (H)   Parking. Golf carts may only be parked in the same manner and at the same places designated for the parking of motor vehicles. The stopping, standing or parking of golf carts in an area where parking is not allowed or in any place that impedes the flow of traffic, pedestrian walkways or a passageway is prohibited.
   (I)   No towing. Golf carts may not be used for the purpose of towing, including, but not limited to, towing another golf cart or a trailer, vehicle, person, skateboard or bicycle.
   (J)   No texting. The driver of a golf cart may not engage in texting unless the golf cart is in a proper parking spot with its engine is turned off.
   (K)   Signals and protruding body parts. If mechanical turn signals are not required, then hand turn signals are required in those situations where motor vehicle drivers would be required to give turn signals. Except when making hand turn signals, not body part may protrude from a golf cart unless that golf cart is parked in a proper parking spot and its engine is turned off.
(Ord. passed 6-12-2012)