(A)   Pursuant to G.S. §§ 63-53 and 63-57, there is hereby created the Northeastern Regional Airport Commission (the “Commission”). The Commission shall consist of seven voting members. The Commission membership position shall be for a term of three years and until his or her successor is appointed. The Council shall appoint five members, the County Commission two. One of the Council’s appointments shall be a Councilor. The appointees of the town shall serve at the pleasure of the Council. The Town Manager and County Manager shall serve as an ex-officio members of the Commission. The NC Northeast Commission will be asked to appoint two ex-officio members also.
   (B)   The ex-officio members shall not be entitled to vote on Commission matters.
(Prior Code, § 3.5-21) (Ord. passed 8-9-1994; Ord. passed 6-10-2014)