Picket lines and picketing shall be subject to the following additional regulations.
   (A)   Picketing may be conducted only on the sidewalks reserved for pedestrian movement and may not be conducted on the portion of a street used primarily for vehicular traffic.
   (B)   Not more than six pickets promoting the same objective shall be permitted to use either of the two sidewalks within a single block at any one time.
   (C)   Pickets may carry written or printed placards or signs, not exceeding two feet in width and two feet in length, promoting the objective for which the picketing is done; provided that, the words used are not profane, indecent, abusive or inflammatory in nature.
   (D)   Pickets must march in single file and not abreast, and they must not march closer together than 15 feet apart, except in passing one another. Pickets shall not be allowed to walk more than five feet from the curbline, and shall be in continuous motion.
   (E)   Pickets will not physically interfere with any pedestrian in the use of the sidewalk, or address profane, indecent, abusive or threatening language to or at any pedestrian which would tend to provoke the pedestrian or others to a breach of the peace.
   (F)   Pickets will not block or obstruct entrances or exits to any stores or businesses so as to hinder or impede the normal ingress or egress of business customers or invitees.
(Prior Code, § 17-16) (Ord. passed 8-6-1973; Ord. passed 10-10-2023)