(a)    Meetings of the Council of the City of Eaton, hereinafter “Council”, will be held at the time and place established by Section 121.03.
   (b)    The Clerk shall give notice of regular meetings held the third Monday of each calender month by advertising notice of the same once, in January of each calendar year, in a newspaper of general circulation in the City, and by posting notice of the same in the Eaton Municipal Building.
   (c)    The Clerk shall give notice of regular meetings held the first Monday of each calendar month by notifying the news media of the same, and by posting notice at the Eaton Municipal Building and on the City of Eaton's website at least one week prior to the meeting.
   (d)    If the date, time or location of a regular meeting is changed, notice of the change shall be made by notifying the news media of the same, and by posting notice of the change at the Eaton Municipal Building and on the City of Eaton's website as far in advance of the meeting as possible, but not less than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting.
(Ord. 03-14. Passed 11-17-03.)