(a) Where, on the effective date of this Zoning Code (Ordinance 1775, passed October 22, 1973), forty percent or more of a frontage was occupied by two or more buildings, then the front yard is established in the following manner:
(1) Where the building farthermost from the street provides a front yard not more than ten feet deeper than the building closest to the street, then the front yard for the frontage is and remains an average of the then existing front yards.
(2) Where the situation described in paragraph (a)(1) hereof does not exist, and a lot is within 100 feet of a building on each side, then the front yard is a line drawn from the closest front corners of these two adjacent buildings.
(3) Where the situations described in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) hereof do not exist, and the lot is within 100 feet of an existing building on one side only, then the front yard is the same as that of the existing adjacent building.
(b) Sills, belt courses, window air-conditioning units, chimneys, cornices and ornamental features may project into a required yard a distance not to exceed twentyfour inches.
(c) Filling station pumps and pump islands may occupy required yards, provided, however, that they are not less than fifteen feet from all lot lines.
(d) Signs, in accordance with Section 1252.14, may be permitted to exist as an exception to the yard requirements.
(e) Open fire escapes, fireproof outside stairways and balconies opening upon fire towers, and the ordinary projections of chimneys and flues into a rear yard for a distance of not more than three and one-half feet when placed so as not to obstruct light and ventilation, maybe permitted by the Building/ Zoning Inspector.
(f) Open, unenclosed porches (not glassed in) may not extend more than ten feet into a front yard.
(g) Terraces which do not extend above the level of the ground (first) floor may project into a required yard, provided these projections are distant at least two feet from the adjacent side lot line.
(h) No side yards are required where dwellings are erected above commercial structures, except such side yard as may be required for a commercial building on the side of a lot adjoining a Residential District.
(i) Accessory buildings may be located in a rear yard but may not occupy more than thirty percent of a rear yard.
(j) Any accessory building closer than ten feet to a main building shall be considered as part of the main building and shall be provided with the side and rear yards required for the main building.
(k) An accessory building more than ten feet from a main building may be erected within two feet of a side or rear lot line, but must be located at least sixty feet from the front street line.
(l) Where a garage is entered from an alley, it must be kept ten feet from the alley line.
(m) On corner lots, the minimum buildable width of twenty-eight feet for main buildings is reduced to twenty-two feet for accessory buildings.
(Ord. 1775. Passed 10-22-73.)