(a)   No person shall connect a residential, commercial or industrial sewage system to the sanitary sewers in any street, alley, easement or other public right-of-way without first obtaining a written permit therefor from the Division of Water and Sewer. The Division is hereby authorized to grant such permits and to exact a fee therefor in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
   (b)   The fee to be charged for a permit to connect a building by way of a sewer line to any existing sewer is listed at Section 248.02. In addition to the payment of the permit fee, the person desiring such connection shall make the tap to the main sewer line and furnish all materials, supplies and labor therefor at the sole cost of such person. The City reserves the right to stipulated the proper size of the tap according to applicable building and/or plumbing codes.
   (c)   All fees collected under division (b) of this section shall be paid into the Sewer Replacement Fund.
(Ord. 24-00. Passed 9-11-00; Ord. 21-01. Passed 10-8-01; Ord. 5-02. Passed 3-11-02.)