(a)   No person shall engage in the business of solid waste collection unless he possesses a registration certificate Issued by the Board of Health of the City Health District.
   (b)   The Health Commissioner shall issue registration certificates to collect solid waste only to persons having proper equipment, as required by this chapter and personnel for collecting of solid waste, and agreeing to comply with all conditions of issuance or possession of the registration certificate and otherwise complying with the requirements of this chapter.
   (c)   Any person intending to collect solid waste shall make written application for a registration certificate to the Board of Health on a form provided by the Board of Health. Such application shall contain the name and address of such person, a description of the equipment to be used in the collection of such solid waste, the area where solid waste collections are to be made, and such other information as the Board of Health determines will reasonably aid in the administration and enforcement of this regulation. There shall be an application fee of thirty dollars ($30.00) payable with each application or renewal.
   (d)   Upon approval of such application and the determination that the applicant has the proper equipment. in good condition, and personnel to meet the requirements of this chapter, the Board of Health shall issue a registration certificate to the applicant. The Board of Health may state on the registration certificate or by a writing attached to the registration certificate the conditions under which it is issued to insure the proper collection of all refuse in accordance with this chapter.
   (e)   The Health Commissioner may revoke or suspend the registration certificate of any person to collect solid waste who has demonstrated inability or unwillingness to comply with this chapter.
   (f)   Any person whose application for a registration certificate has been denied, suspended, or revoked may make written request for a hearing before the Board of Health of the City Health District. The Board of Health shall grant such hearing within fifteen days after request is made thereof.
   (g)   The Health Commissioner may suspend, revoke, or deny the renewal of a registration certification when it is determined that the holder of such certificate fails to deposit solid wastes in an approved solid wastes disposal site, facility or station.
   (h)   All registration certificates issued under this chapter shall expire on December 31, of the year in which they were issued. (Ord. 2125. Passed 11-10-80.)