No person or organization shall engage in business as a solicitor, transient dealer, or vendor without first obtaining a license and paying a fee, from the East Palestine Village Building and Zoning Office, and paying a fee, unless otherwise exempt pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 832 of the Ordinances of East Palestine, Ohio. Fees are valid from the date of issuance through December 31, of the year of issuance. Fees shall not be prorated, nor refundable and the following fee schedule shall be established:
   (a)   For each door-to-door solicitor, peddler, canvasser shall be four hundred dollars ($400.00).
   (b)   Transient dealer, including food trucks, but excluding crafters: The license fee shall be fifty dollars ($50.00).
   (c)   Vendor: The license fee shall be fifty dollars ($50.00).
   (d)   Crafter: Registration only, no fee.
(Ord. 23-2022. Passed 12-28-22; Ord. 13-2023. Passed 5-22-23.)